I've officially entered my 20s. I'm both extremely excited and scared out of my mind about starting this new journey. I love the person I am becoming and the things I am doing with my life. I can finally picture a future for myself with a solid dream and goals that I intend to meet within the next 20 years of my life.
I've learned a lot in the past 20 years. Not everyone you love will stay, not everyone you trust will be loyal, and some people only exist as examples of what to avoid. I want to say thank you to those who broke my heart, you made a stronger woman because of it. Thank you to the one friend from middle school who stayed with me all this time and still hasn't left. Thank you to my parents and family who continue to support me and for giving me the resources I need to succeed. Thank you to my big brother who continues to be my hero and always lending a shoulder to cry on. Thank you to the music teachers who gave me the confidence I carry with me every day. Thank you to the relationships I've formed over the past two years at college, I love you and you all inspire me every day. Lastly, thank you to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for saving me when I didn't think I could go on any longer and thought I was worthless.
I am grateful for every day I wake up breathing. I intend to live the next 20 years and forevermore to the fullest taking on any challenges that may come my way.
Thank you to those who stayed and left my life. Look at me now.