At the beginning of this month, I turned 20 years old. The birthday was honestly a little anticlimactic; one year away from the big birthday, the day you're basically seen as an actual adult. The year before that day just feels disappointing. You're not officially a "20-something," you can't go to the club with friends. You still feel like a teenager. However, as I think about my 20 years on Earth, I have actually learned a lot of things.
1. You should separate your whites and colors.
Sure, you don't really have to, but your whites never look as good when you wash them with colors.
2. Eating in bed is great in the moment, but you will regret it later.
I get it. Bed is comfy. Food is great. But... Crumbs are the devil.
3. Calling your parents is very important.
They miss you. Call them.
4. "Mario Kart" will always be fun.
You can be two or 20, but "Mario Kart" is the greatest.
5. Buy the big packages of toilet paper.
You know you'll use it. And trust me, it's great to have.
6. Netflix is a great investment.
Who watches television anymore? Plus, cable is expensive.
7. The generic brand is (usually) just as good.
Name brands don't matter when you're broke.
8. Being outside is amazing.
Going outside on the first warm day in months is one of the best feelings in the world.
9. Learning to laugh at yourself is very important.
Don't take yourself too seriously. I promise you, nobody else is.
10. Take care of your hair.
Bleaching, heating and coloring can ruin your hair. Be careful.
11. Friendships end and that's OK.
Things change and people grow apart. It's inevitable and, most of the time, for the best.
12. Invest in good socks.
Your feet will thank you.
13. You're gonna have to do a bunch of stuff that you really don't want to do.
Awful, but necessary.
14. Your mom will usually help you if you just ask.
Gas money? Food? Dyed all of your shirts pink? Mom can usually help you out.
15. Space is pretty awesome.
Stars and planets! Comets! Space! SO COOL.
16. Treat yourself. But not too much.
Starbucks every few weeks? Good! Starbucks every day? Bad.
17. Your siblings have always got your back.
No matter what.
18. There are a lot of bad days.
Crying seems to be a pretty regular thing in adulthood.
19. There will be way more good days.
Smiling is a pretty regular thing too.
20. The best is yet to come.
While 20 years might seem like a long time, I have so much life in front of me. I have done and seen many things, yet the things that are in front of me will be so much greater. Life is pretty cool... Even if I'm not 21.