Incoming freshmen come in with wide eyes wondering what to expect for the next four years of high school. Many assume they know what they are getting themselves into, but in all honesty, none of them have any idea.
Here are 20 things freshman in high school need to know:
1. Know it’s okay to say “no”.
2. Talk to people and even start random conversations; that's the only way you'll meet new people.
3. If your friend isn’t there for you through thick and thin, than that friend isn’t a very good friend.
4. Don’t send pictures you wouldn’t want the whole school to see.
5. Do your homework.
6. Be respectful to your teachers. They are there for YOU.
7. That senior boy isn’t going to stay around for you forever - there’s this crazy place called college and these magical people called college girls.
8. Listen to the upperclassmen, but don’t take too much of their crap.
9. School lunch still sucks.
10. Don’t expect to play varsity right away. Your time will come.
11. Boys are not worth losing sleep over. Seriously, put the phone down. You can talk to him tomorrow.
12. Listen to your parents; they actually know what they are talking about sometimes.
13. Get involved with anything and everything that you might enjoy.
14. Say thank you often.
15. Smile and say hi when you walk through the halls. You’ll become that much more approachable.
16. Don’t stand in the middle of the hallway in between classes. You will get locker checked or pushed over by a stampeed of students.
17. You think high school is hard? Ha, wait til you get out to the real world. Stop complaining.
18. Love yourself before trying to love anyone else.
19. Karma’s a true B****. Be careful what you say and who you say it to.
20. Start saving your money now.
Last but not least, high school is what you make of it. Don't wish it away because it will be gone in no time and you will miss it. Enjoy everything and learn from your mistakes. You got this. Growing up starts now!