If you're one of the lucky individuals who is 5'2" or shorter, you know that being "fun-sized" has its advantages and disadvantages. When it comes to being short, some things are simply unavoidable.
1. Being told that you are "so cute!"
While I appreciate the compliment, it is slightly patronizing.
2. The nicknames.
Names like "short stack," "munchkin," "baby," etc. might as well be your middle name.
3. The struggle of general admission at concerts.
It's a miracle if you get a glimpse of something other than the back of someone's head.
4. Adjusting the driver's seat because you can't reach the pedal
You won't be laughing when you have leg room. You're welcome.
5. Being picked up.
I understand that picking me up is intriguing, but how would you like it?
6. Choosing the perfect picture for your Twitter header.
Unless everyone is sitting down, someone's face is getting cut off
7. Being asked, "Are you a legal midget?"
There is nothing worse than this question. No. Just short
8. Not being able to reach the top shelf.
The top shelf, a.k.a. the enemy. "Can you get that for me?" might as well be tattooed on my forehead.
9. Awkward hugs.
It's the thought that counts.
10. When your legs can't touch the ground.
Criss-cross applesauce is the way to go
11. Being an arm rest.
I'm glad to be of service. Don't worry, I don't mind.
12. When your height is the conversation starter.
Yes, I am short. Thanks for reminding me!
13. Purchasing maxi dresses.
There are some battles you just can't win.
14. Hearing, "Short girls in the front!"
Being seen in pictures is never a concern.
15. Having leg room.
The greatest perk of them all.
16. Sleeping on the two-cushion couch at sleepovers.
It's better than the hardwood floor.
17. Purchasing the children's sizes of shoes.
Fashionable and cheap. It's a win/win situation.
18. The bond shared with other short girls.
Nothing screams BFF like finding someone your height who understands.
19. Boobs are great pillows.