A few weeks ago I turned twenty years old and no matter how many times I say that I "feel old" there's so much more to learn. I've compiled a list of what every twenty year old should hear.
1. You're not that old.
Even though it may seem like it, you really aren't that old.
2. It's ok not to know everything just yet.
You're still learning so it's ok to be curious.
2. Always ask questions.
Don't be afraid to ask questions! Although, this is cliche, somebody else probably is just as curious or needs the same reassurance as you do.
3. Your life doesn't need to be put together right now.
You have so much of life left to live and it doesn't need to all be decided right now. Take your time and let nature run its course.
4. Listen to your elders.
They may give you advice or insight and probably have learned a thing or two in their time.
5. You do need to start thinking ahead.
Your approaching what adults call "the real world" and you do need to start thinking about what you want in the future.
6. Learn from your mistakes.
It's okay to do something once and mess up, but you know what they say... "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me."
7. It's okay to also be silly.
Just because you're in your twenties now doesn't mean life can't handle a little silly and craziness.
8. You're still young and dumb so take advantage of that.
Do something totally crazy and blame it on your age, because you're only twenty once, right?
9. Take time to travel while you're still able.
Take advantage of not having a major responsibility yet. Once you become older traveling becomes more difficult and there's never a right time to just up and leave. So do it now, take some time off of work and just see the world.
10. It's ok to sit around and relax.
Along with number nine, you don't have major responsibilities yet so take your time and just relax every once in a while. You deserve it.
11. Don't be ashamed of watching High School Musical (I know we all still do).
Or any other cartoons for that matter. It's okay to still like the same things you did in high school. Breaking out in some heart felt lyrics from this movie will definitely make you feel like a kid again.
12. Slow down. Your life isn't over yet.
You may think that every problem is the last straw, but it's not. Take one step at a time and worry less because it'll all work out.
13. Eat healthy.
That fantastic bod and fast metabolism will eventually fade so keep your body in shape.
14. If you don't know what you're doing it's totally fine.
Many people don't have it all figured out and yes even some people who are older don't even know.
15. Make time for friends.
These people are the ones that stay with you through the thick and thin so don't ever take advantage of their time. It's not as easy to stay in touch, but if you really want someone in your life, make time.
16. It's okay to splurge a little, but remember to save, save, save.
Spoil yourself every once in awhile, but remember that you also have bills and loans to pay.
17. Read a book.
Remember knowledge is power. And reading is such a relaxing activity to do, there's even a place where you can check out books for FREE. Yes, for free so utilize it.
18. Take chances and risks.
It'll be a learning experience and something to look back on.
19. It's ok to call mom on the hard days.
Everyone needs someone they can talk to and your mom always knows what is best. So don't be afraid to talk to her because she will most likely want to hear from you.
20. Learn to move on.
Things will change and it's okay to be scared for change, but realize that it's all part of the learning process. If something isn't meant to be in your life then it won't be. Have faith it'll all work out.
Hopefully some of this advice has stuck on and hopefully we make the best of being young and in our twenties.