To the person who I have the honor of getting to living with,
20. I love how clean you are.
19. Every time you ask me what to wear it makes me smile because, it secretly shows me that you care about my opinion.
18. You are so encouraging.
17. Thank you for never complaining about how messy I can be.
16. I respect you.
15. Thank you for making sure I am always okay.
14. Sorry my stuff seems to take over the whole room.
13. I love that you clean out our sink without me saying anything.
12. Staying up late talking & laughing is one of my favorite things about rooming with you.
11. I love hearing about your life.
10. All my friends love you.
9. People tell me all the time how lucky I am to have you as a roommate.
8. Thank you for never judging my weird eating habits.
7. I love hearing about your goals in life.
6. Thank you for always giving me good advice.
5. I love going on roomie dates.
4. Thank you for leaving me random sticky note messages.
3. I love that you share your chips & salsa with me.
2. You always leave the funniest quotes on our fridge and I love it.
1. I love you!