20 Things Dancers Relate To As Told By Spongebob | The Odyssey Online
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20 Things Dancers Relate To As Told By Spongebob

This goofy goober totally understands dancers.

20 Things Dancers Relate To As Told By Spongebob

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Only the most relatable invertebrate to dancers everywhere! SpongeBob Squarepants never hesitates to get his groove on, but he and his undersea pals are also relatable to all of the bun-heads and modern dancers out there!

1. When you look out into the audience mid-performance and see your family rooting for you:

And you can always hear their applause and cheers through the roar.

2. When you are finally released from a five hour (or longer!) rehearsal:

We love the rehearsal process, but sometimes it just becomes a bit much when you're tired and hungry and haven't left the studio in hours.

3. When you go home and eat after you're done with class or rehearsal:

We burn a lot of calories from dancing for hours on end, and we've got to replenish ourselves!

4. When you find out that you are your best friend get to duet together:

Nothing is better than getting to share the stage with your best friend!

5. When your teacher won't turn on the air conditioning during the summer:

If you're lucky, you'll be practicing something from "Don Quixote" so you can use those prop fans to rapidly try to cool yourself down.

6. When your teacher lets you out of ballet class after barre:

Everyone's spirits instantly lift when you hear those blessed words: "We'll have a short class today." Usually it's because your teacher can see that everyone is dying, so this act of mercy is loved by all.

7. When your teacher tells you to do it one more time... But you know it's going to be more than one more time:

Very rarely has "one more time" actually meant that you'll only do it once more. When it does, it's a verifiable miracle.

8. When someone dances in your personal space:

You seriously debate the consequences of "accidentally" kicking them if they creep into your dancing space one more time.

9. When you're in dance improv class and trying to really "feel it":

You know you look super weird, but at least everybody else does too!

10. ...And then your improv teacher brings out props for you to play with:

And then you feel even more ridiculous! But hey, it's all good. We've all been there.

11. When you fall onstage during your solo:

You may want to dig your own grave, but it happens! Live theatre is beautiful that way.

12. When you try to enthuse your non-dancer friends about your next show:

Sometimes they just don't really get it, but the truest friends will come support you anyway!

13. When you're dancing in the wings before you go onstage to get yourself excited:

Sometimes you can't help but jam out right before you go onstage, especially if the music is really upbeat. Plus, it gets you in the right mood to perform!

14. When you have to quick-change backstage and you try to hide yourself from the stage hands:

They won't make it weird if you don't though! They're just doing their job, so you can do yours.

15. When you learn a new turn sequence for the first time and get yourself all tangled up:

You'll get it eventually, but at first you definitely look like a hot mess.

16. When you're waiting for the cast list to come out:

It always seems like an eternity, during which you can't get your mind off of the potential roles everyone will receive.

17. Once the cast list finally releases, when you're skimming down the list to see where your name falls:

Possibly even more nerve-wracking than waiting for the actual cast list to release, searching for your name next to any possible roles is the absolute worst part.

18. When you run out of water during your hardest class:

Then you begin the debate of whether or not you can make it through the rest of the class without suffering from dehydration.

19. When you finally get a scrap of free time:

You find yourself trying to do homework, wash dishes, finish your laundry, and clean your apartment or dorm all in the few free hours of time you've managed to find. This will only stress you out more than you were when you didn't have free time, but it's just the way things go.

20. When you realize that even though you complain all the time, you would never trade dance for anything in the world:

Dance is our everything. It may give us some ugly feet, and make it so we're too sore to walk some mornings, but when compared to what our lives would be without it? There's no possibility of us ever wanting to quit.

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