What is there to do if you live in little old Coshocton County? Well not much, and I know you know that. Here is a short list of those things to do.
Go to the county fair
Wait for the Hot Air Balloon Festival to roll around
Look forward to Frist Fridays
Visit the Canal Days Festival
Wait for Casee Allen to come home and grace us with his beautiful singing
Visit Roscoe
Take a ride on the Canal Boat
Attend River View musicals
Hit up those Yellow Flag Sales
Take your children to Earls
Go to Lake Park for almost every outside event
Hang out at Warsaw Pool with all your high school friends
Participate in the Indian Mud Run
Attend River View vs. Coshocton games ... That rivalry though ... GO BEARS
Find backroads to get in trouble on
Go mushroom hunting
Travel at least a half hour to do anything
Go bowling ... although we won’t be able to do that anymore
Visit Jodi down at Shelby Theaters
Go to Walmart late at night because what else is there really to do?
Most of these things are excuses to hang out on Main Street or at the fairgrounds and only come around once a year. That's why we frequent Walmart and the movie theater so much. Everyone knows everyone in this town. You can't do anything without everyone knowing you did it in a matter of hours. It's a small part of the world but it's home.