1. The love-hate relationship with ice-baths, stim and foam rolling.
2. The constant struggle of deciding whether to use the 20 minutes between practice and class in the morning for looking nice or napping.
3. Not being able to wear shoes other than sneakers or slip-on sandals because they irritates your shine splints, bunions, blisters, tendonitis or planters fasciitis.
4. Being self-conscious in anything other than sweats because it’s just not you.
5. Being hungry 10 minutes after every meal.
6. Not texting back because you were at practice, the gym or competing.
7. Getting more stressed out when you do have free time than when you don’t because you’re not used to it.
8. Waking up before the sun rises every morning to work out.
9. Allotting enough time for food to digest before practice.
10. Needing to use the bathroom every half-hour because you're constantly trying to stay both hydrated and caffeinated.
11. Guzzling coffee because you need it, not because you like it.
12. Needing to buy all-black socks that don’t show mud and blood stains.
13. Dropping hundreds of dollars on new apparel or equipment without feeling guilty.
14. Not having “fomo” (fear of missing out) on a Friday night because you’re focused on your weekend game/meet/competition
15. Having FOMO on a Friday night because you’re not competing that weekend, but you’re still in dry season.
16. The struggle of mentally overcoming any bad performance even if it was just at practice.
17. Checking the weather app religiously in the place you’ll be competing that week.
18. Not being able to walk up a flight of stairs after weight room.
19. Second-guessing every vitamin supplement you take because it might make you fail a drug test.
20. Having anxiety when you go long periods of time without seeing your teammates because, as much as they annoy you, they are your family.