I recently turned 20 years old and it honestly feels a bit surreal to me still. While I’m excited to finally be out of my teens, it doesn’t seem real that I’m in my twenties already. Gone are the days where I could play off mistakes as being a dumb teenager. Now I am in the beginning stages of adulthood. I’ve learned so much over these past 20 years… major life lessons, small things that stick with me, and everything in between. I’ve narrowed the list down to 20 things I’ve learned in 20 years.
1. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
2. People are inherently good.
3. It’s okay to laugh at yourself sometimes.
4. Don’t take yourself too seriously.
5. Life begins outside of your comfort zone.
6. Best friends are sometimes found in the most unexpected places.
7. You’re never too old for Disney.
8. People are extremely interesting.
9. Fake it ‘til you make it actually works.
10. Confidence comes from within.
11. It’s okay to be selfish sometimes.
12. Stormy days are the best cuddle days.
13. Always stay open minded.
14. It’s never too late to reinvent yourself.
15. You do not owe anyone anything.
16. Sing in the shower.
17. Show your love to the people you care about.
18. You deserve happiness.
19. Take every opportunity given to you.
20. Don’t try to grow up too fast.
The world is an incredible place. Take every single day as it comes to you and enjoy every second of it… because 20 years has flown by.