Twenty is an awkward age where you can drive, vote, and join the military but not drink or rent a car. So are you really an adult? That's up for debate, but this advice should help you navigate these unsure waters.
1. Make mistakes.
This is your trial period for adulthood. Just be sure to learn from them and do better next time.
2. Cry it out if you need to, but not for days on end.
Let it all out, then wash your face and carry on.
3. It's okay to not have a plan.
People put unnecessary pressure on 18-20-year-olds forcing them to determine a career for the rest of their life. You're not the only one who has doubts, talk it out with someone, change your mind 10 times, then you'll know what you really want.
4. Get up late.
Sleep past your alarm every once in a while, you have a long life ahead of you, the world can wait.
5. Don't spend hours on horoscopes or looking up what your name means.
Your life is your own, you should go out there and do heroic and good deeds. Give your name your own meaning.
6. Listen to good music.
Grab a hairbrush and have your own concert, you'll be surprised at how good you feel afterwards.
5. Victim complexes are not attractive.
Boys and girls won't date you because you are sad. They aren't going to cure you of your dragging depression. Find your own happiness, don't rely on other people.
6. If it makes you happy, stick with it.
Dedicate your life to it. Do not care what people think. If you like it, it's not insignificant or stupid.
7. You are allowed to be angry, but the world is not working against you.
The world turns regardless of you, it does not trip you up. Take a deep breath, go for a walk, come back and deal with it in a mature fashion. Learn how to handle conflict like this.
8. Listen to your body and try to determine what it is telling you.
Eat when you are hungry. Sleep when you are tired. You only have one body, take good care of it.
9. That being said, invest in good skin care products.
Sunscreen is usually on sale for a reason, do your research and get a good brand (learned this the hard way many times).
10. Stop trying to please everyone.
All throughout our lives we've been pleasing our family, our teachers, our peers, our boss, our significant others. In the end all that matters is that you're pleased with yourself.
11. Our generation is labeled by our sense of entitlement.
Don't accept that, prove them wrong.
12. Have your own beliefs and information to back them up.
Be firm in them, but not too stubborn.
13. Put down the social media.
You're not going to remember stressing out over how many likes your picture has, so look up and take it all in without your phone. Not everyone needs to know your every move.
14. Be an advocate for yourself.
Whether it be a tough boss, needing directions, or negotiating fair prices no one is going to help you besides yourself. Be comfortable enough with strangers to talk with them and speak your mind.
15. Perhaps more importantly, know how to pick your battles.
Understand what to go to bat for and when to just bite your tongue.
16. Have a current resume.
You never know who you're going to meet and you need to be able to email it out immediately when that time comes.
17. Start a real savings account.
You have many urgent bills and it's hard to budget money properly, but even $10 from each pay check will pay off in the long run.
18. Learn to cook a few amazing meals for yourself.
It's good to have a go-to meal that you can manage and impress friends and family with.
19. No amount of classroom time can replace real world experience.
Go out and get it whenever you can (and put it on your updated resume). The real world is not as scary the more you experience it.
20. Stop making excuses.
Show up on time when you promised to be there, no more the dog ate my homework. Follow through with your commitments, it will help you gain people's trust and make your life less chaotic playing catch up.