1. Where are you?
2. When are you getting back?
(I have gossip to tell you!)
3. Did you watch This Is Us?
4. Did you watch Dancing With The Stars?
5. Did you watch The Bachelor?
(We might watch a lot of TV.)
6. How old is the food in the fridge?
(AKA can I eat it without dying?)
7. Can I use your coffee maker?
(I haven't eaten all day and I'm craving ramen.)
8. Can you unlock the door? I locked myself out.
9. There's a bug in here. Can you come kill it?
(It's making weird buzzing noises.)
10. Our dorm is too hot.
(The heater has not worked until right this very second and I have no idea how to turn it off.)
11. Our dorm is too cold.
(The heater won't turn back on.)
12. How'd your exam go?
(I'm here for you. Solidarity, sister.)
13. How many days till the end of the semester?
(I don't wanna do any more work but also I don't want to take finals. Ya feel?)
14. Did you register for classes?
(Please help. My degree audit makes no sense and I wanna graduate.)
15. How do I register for classes?
(I think I registered for these classes but with my luck I'll end up with 8 credits next semester because I'm technology-impaired.)
16. We need to vacuum.
(There's only so much a brush and dustpan can pick up.)
17. Do I really need to pass this class?
(I'm not failing but I have so much to do and I don't WANNA.)
18. I locked myself out again.
19. See you soon!
(It's only been a weekend but I miss you already.)
20. Love you!
(You're pretty awesome.)