It's that time of the semester again, when all the computers at the TECH Center are full and we are all drinking a little more coffee than usual. Yup, it's midterms week.
We know, we can't believe it either.
It feels like just yesterday we were coming back from winter break appreciating no homework during syllabus week. After adjusting to our schedules, writing some papers, and completing our readings, it's now time to put all your effort and focus into studying for exams.
All of us here at the Odyssey want to see you succeed, so we are offering a few tips on just how to ace your midterms. Everyone learns differently, so some tips may help more than others.
1. Try a breakout room!
The TECH center has 13 breakout rooms on the first and second floors. This is a great idea if you want to study in a group. Find out more information here.
2. Go to the library
The library is probably the quietest place place on campus. The first floor can get pretty crowded, so try the other floors. Students there are either studying, doing their homework, or reading. You can either sit at a table, in a chair, or even study with friends in a breakout room!
3. Look for study lounges in your dorm
Some dorms have study lounges, such as White Hall. This is good idea if you don't want leave your dorm, but also don't want to be in your room. You can stay up as late as you want, and then just walk down the hall back to your room.
4. Read the class's PowerPoints
The class PowerPoints often contain the most important information, so make sure you know all the key terms and concepts included in it.
5. Make some flashcards
This gives you the opportunity to test yourself, or have a friend test you!
6. Skim through the readings
If you already did the readings, it wouldn't hurt to go back and skim them. It's been a month since the semester started, so it means a month of readings that you probably forgot all about.
7. Look back at your notes
Look through your notes you took during class. You may have jotted something down that the professor said will be important for the exam.
8. Check the syllabus for any information about the exam
9. Create a study guide
This way, instead constantly looking through all your books, all the important information will be in one place.
10. Study with a friend or in a group!
11. Set goals for yourself
Tell yourself what you need to accomplish each day leading up to the exam. Time management is extremely important because besides needing to study, you may have extracurricular activities, a job, and homework assignments to complete.
12. Create memory clues that will help you remember key terms
13. Read notes out loud
Sometimes reading your notes out loud will help you remember better. It may seem weird, but just try it!
14. Highlight or mark important terms
15. Look for studying apps on your phone
Yes they exist! You just have to look for them!
16. Ask your professors for anything you're unsure of
If you start studying in advance, take note of anything you're confused about because this way, you can ask your professor! If you wait until the night before to study, you may not have time to email your professor.
17. Space out your studying
Study a little bit each day, try not to wait until the last minute.
18. Wake up early on the exam date and study
It will definitely help to wake up early to refresh your memory from the night before.
19. Get a good night of sleep
Pulling an all nighter won't help if you're half asleep while taking your exam.
The most important thing to remember is to take breaks! Don't overwhelm yourself.
We hope these tips helped you, and we wish you the best of luck on your exams!