Whether you could not wait for winter break to be over or you were dreading returning to campus, every college student deals with the same few struggles that vary from mild annoyance to scream-into-my-pillow frustration when returning for spring semester.
The struggle begins even before classes start...
1. Having to get up early AF
*Hits snooze indefinitely*
2. Having to eat the dining hall mystery meat special
Here come the meat sweats!
3. The ongoing battle between looking presentable and sweatpants begins YET AGAIN
And comfort always wins. Always.
4. Being surrounded by people 24/7
For those of us that hate people, this may be the biggest struggle of all.
5. Reuniting with fake friends
"We definitely need to hang soon!" *Never speaks to that person again*
6. Feeling the endless joy that comes with being poor once again
Mom. Dad. Please, pay for everything.
7. Worrying about what you're going to do with your life
Major? Career?? Future??? Ahh!
8. Forgetting how much physical exertion is required to make your way around campus
No, just no.
9. Stressing about the stress you're going to be stressing about because of stress
Confused? So am I. That's why I'm stressed.
Then classes begin...
10. When the professor assumes you did the assignments/readings he/she posted on Moodle
Yeah, right.
11. Finding out that participation/attendance is 30 percent of the overall grade
Isn't everything online, anyway?
12. Seeing no one you know in your class
And of course, you can't even make new friends because everyone in there looks weird as hell.
13. The professor starts speaking with an accent
14. Having to do introductions to people you don't give a shit about
How am I supposed to come up with an interesting fact about myself when I'm not interesting in any way?
15. And then someone makes the mistake of sharing something WAY too personal
Random kid: I collect turtle figurines as long as they are not plastic.
Professor: What's wrong with plastic?
Random kid: I don't like the way it feels on my skin. (True story, btw.)
16. Getting pissed at your friend that told you the class was an easy A
Rocks for Jocks? More like sedimentary promontory for perspicacious geologists.
And once classes are finally over...
17. Having to do laundry
*Calls mom* "Mind if I stop by home this weekend?"
18. Feeling the need to work off the holiday cookies
Seriously, why does everyone look like they just walked off the set of America's Next Top Model?
19. Wishing you had a larger booze supply
Please, drink responsibly.
20. And finally, wanting to go out but BED
Me: I'm so sorry I'll never leave you again
Bed: ...