If you're a science major, I guarantee that you've gone through all of these hassles at least once.
1) "I can't. I have lab."
2) Having to write lab reports
When the lab report is due at 11:59AM and it's 11:00AM
3) Two words: Lab Goggles
Lab goggles become your life, and you always have them in your backpack.
4) When your lab goggles fog up
5) Studying for an exam and failing it
Will there be a curve?
6) Getting a 32% on an exam, but the curve hits and your final score is an 88%
7) "The final will be cumulative."
8) Significant Figures suck
9) Confusing diagrams/pictures
10) Applying to graduate schools
Where are all my Pre-Meds/Pre-Dental/Pre-Vets?
11) Mastering Bio, Chem, etc. is insanely annoying
12) Spending all weekend doing research
13) When your percent error is unfortunately high so you have to redo the experiment
14) Considering switching to a non-science major after taking an exam
Then, you realize that you love science way too much to switch.
15) Professors begin teaching on the very first day of class
What happened to syllabus week????
16) Having two lab reports and three exams all in one week
17) Running out of coffee
18) Having more than two labs in a semester
19) Choosing a lab partner
20) Trying to remember all the symbols and formulas
Sure, we science majors go through these struggles, but we persevere. We love science way to much to give-up. Science isn't just a field of study. It's a way of life.