As we all know, finals are the most difficult and trying time during the semester. Mid-terms are over, you finished all your other projects, and now it's time for the final call. Here's your guide of every emotion you'll feel during this trying time.
1. Finals are approaching, and you tell yourself you’ll start studying early, but you actually end up doing nothing.
Can’t stop won’t stop.
2. You’re now a week out, but you say you’ll start studying on Wednesday.
GiphyWho cares?
3. Wednesday has passed, and now it’s Thursday and you go out with your friends.
Giphy #GNO
4. Suddenly, it’s the day before finals, and you haven’t started studying.
Giphy Freaking out.
5. You start thinking, where has the time gone?!
Giphy Internally screaming.
6. You start studying and realize you know nothing.
GiphyHelp me.
7. You study, study, and study, and feel super smart.
Giphy Feeling smart af.
8. You review the study guide and realize you only know the first chapter.
GiphyTime to freak out.
9. Welcome to your first meltdown of finals.
Giphy Ah, the first meltdown.
10. You take your first exam, and it was awful. To cope, you tell yourself that your next one will be different.
Giphy You can do it!
11. You study for your next exam, and all confidence is lost.
Giphy Going to fail.
12. You start do blame your teachers for giving you such hard finals.
Giphy This is unfair!
13. You’re now in the depths of finals week, and the caffeine addiction and sleep deprivation are starting to kick in.
Giphy Coping.
14. Your last final is tomorrow, and you’re feeling rundown but desperately trying to study.
Giphy Almost there.
15. It’s time to start praying to all gods in order to pass your last final.
Giphy Hi, it's me, gods. Can you hear me?
16. Your last final is over, signifying that finals are officially over.
Giphy Praise be.
17. Finally, you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Giphy All the emotions.
18. Then you realize it’s time to pack.
Giphy Just when you think you’re done...
19. Packing and finals are over and you’re ready to leave.
Giphy I've never been happier in my life!
20. Now you’re home, happy, and carefree...until you get your grades in the mail.
Giphy I couldn’t care less.
Aren't you excited to start all over again in the fall?
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