Excitement for the adventure
"YAY! I'M GOING ABROAD. I'M GOING TO BE SO CULTURED." "Obviously, this is going to be the best experience of my young life." "I'll make so many memories and have so many stories to tell all my friends when I get back."
1. Packing
Oh god, what do I pack? What do I wear? What do they wear? I DO NOT want to look like an American. *Immediately looks up Paris street fashion on Pinterest and cries while holding an empty wallet*
2. Getting there, FINALLY
I'm here! Thank god. I could not spend another minute with that annoying ten year old kicking me in the back of my seat. I only slept like two hours. Why did I think watching five movies was a good idea? Enough complaining, I'm here!!! Now...how do I find my way out of this airport?
3. Jetlag
Oh god. I'm so tired. What time is it back home? 3 AM?!?! Why am I awake. Oh right, it is 9 a,m. here....I've been awake for what feels like a million hours. Wait, what? I have to stay awake to adjust to the time? So, I can still nap right? WHAT?? No nap. Okay. I can do this. Where is the coffee?
4. Developing a normal sleep routine
Wow. Is it sleep time yet? It is?? YESSS. Brb, going to sleep for a thousand years.
5. Getting lost
I'm already very bad with directions, so why did my friends think it was a good idea to give me the map? Yes, I think we're heading down the street that I cannot pronounce. Are we going the right way? Good question, I have no idea. I think these letters on my map look similar to those on the street sign. We'll just try it.
6. Wait, I actually have classes?
Oh right. I'm totally here to study. What class am I taking again? Post-Industrial European Democracies. Cool. I'll try my hardest to pay attention.
7. Crap. Buying school supplies.
Wait...did I bring a notebook? Nope? Okay. I guess I'll just go get stuff from staples. Oh, wait. There isn't a staples here. I'm just going to use this as an excuse to buy all those adorable clothes I saw yesterday.
8. America FOMO
ALL OF MY FRIENDS ARE HANGING OUT WITHOUT ME. COOL, GUYS. I mean, I am on another continent. Having the time of my life. I guess I shouldn't be so upset. I'll just tell them to send me lots of snapchats. What am I even saying, they're the ones who should be having fomo.
9. Trying and failing to speak the language
Bonjour, madame. That is the extent of my French language skills. Five years of french and I'm still completely lost. Thank you, kind Parisians, for attempting to understand me as I stumble through your beautiful language.
10. Eating so many new foods. So many.
Yes, I will have a third piece of this delicious bread. A five course meal for only 30 Euros?! Heck yeah! Everything is in french...that means it has to be delicious. Oh god. This is the best coq au vin I've ever had. I would marry this chicken. Waiter? Yes, I'll take fifteen creme brûlées also. Merci.
I may not be able to hold a real conversation with a local but I sure as heck know how to say I would like more of this delicious food, please and thank you. Okay, I may have struggled the first few days and eating some questionable meats, but it's all good now.
Wow! There is so much culture here. I wish museums were this cool in America. Will I stand in line for forty five minutes to see the Mona Lisa? You bet I will. I've got to see all the museums in this city before I leave. There are over 200 in this city? I CAN DO IT.
12. Making friends with locals
Youths! My age! Be my friend. Take me to places only locals know about. Am I freaking you out? I'm sorry. I just want your life. Let me love you!
13. Forgetting to call your mom/dad/friend/boyfriend/girlfriend
Oh crap. I forgot to call them. I was just having so much fun. I spent all day yesterday at the museums and then I went to dinner with some people from class. This time change really makes communication difficult. I bet they hate me. I'm so sorry! I promise I haven't been taken!!! DAD, CALM DOWN I AM FINE. No need to channel your inner Liam Neeson.
14. Realizing you only have so many days left
I've still got so much time left. I can totally get through my huge list of things I still need to see. Wait, what day is it? I've already been here for a month? WHAT?? I've only got a few more weeks left?!! NOOOOO.
15. MUSEUMS, round two
Okay, enough sitting around in cafes. Time to knock out these last few museums I wanted to see. I can do six in a day right? Of course I can.
16. Feeling like a local
I know exactly where I'm going. I can spot a tourist from a mile away. I hope I was never that obvious. When the woman came up to me and asked where the market was, I answered her back in perfect French. She thought I was one of them. I'm one of them!!!!!
17. Never wanting to leave
Hi, mom and dad? Friends and family? I'm never leaving. I know I promised I'd be back but I've decided to stay. I finally understand their way of life and it is everything I was ever looking for . These are my people now. You were good to me, but this is where I belong.
18. Leaving
No. You can't make me. No. No. No. See this? This is me applying for permanent residency. Fine, I'll come home. Thank you for everything, study abroad. You were too good to me. I will never forget you. I'll be back, I promise.