15. I'm Just a Kid by Simple Plan | The Odyssey Online
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20 Songs For When You Keep Getting Beat Down By Life

As the days are darker and colder and stress piles up, it is easy to feel like you are seconds away from a mental breakdown at any given minute.

20 Songs For When You Keep Getting Beat Down By Life

Recently I have been going through a very rough patch and I was thinking about things I like to do to make myself feel better. Something I realized always helps me, without fail, is music. When I am going through hard times I really love to turn to music and I realized my favorite kind of music to turn to is pop punk. It has a bit of dark, a bit of angst, and a bit of hope all wrapped up in a song. It seems to be able to capture how I feel, pull me out of my head and help me feel less alone. These 20 songs are some of my favorite songs that I have been turning to since I was in middle school. I hope these songs can bring you the same comfort that they bring me.

1. Therapy by All Time Low

This song literally has done so much for me. It is an amazing song, but another amazing thing about it is the speeches that the lead singer, Alex Gaskarth, gives before performing the song. This always uplifts my spirits and makes me feel a little more whole.

"Love yourself so no one has to"

2. Remembering Sunday by All Time Low


This is another song from all Time Low that got me through a really rough time in my life.

"From so many thousands of feet off the ground, I'm over you now
I'm at home in the clouds, and towering over your head"

3. Weightless by All Time Low


I'm just an All Time Low fan account. This band changed my life so I'm not sorry.

Plus they said it best,

"May its not my weekend, but its gonna be my year"

4. Coffee Shop Soundtrack by All Time Low

"When it all comes down
To a sunrise on the East Side
Will you be there to carry home
The remains of my wasted youth?
This wasted time on you
Has left me shaking in waiting
Shaking in waiting for something more"

5. Hold on Till May by Pierce the Veil


I don't really know why I love this song so much but it kinda has a calming vibe on me.

"See, you're just wasted and thinking about the past again Darling, you'll be okay"

6. Kissing in Cars by Pierce the Veil

This song is super cute!

"If you kiss me goodnight, I'll know, everything is alright, Second chances won't leave us alone, 'Cause there's faith in love"

7. Oh Well, Oh Well by Mayday Parade


"Oh well, oh well. I still hope for the best."

8. Bruised and Scarred by Mayday Parade

"I'm bruised and scarred
Save me from this broken heart
All my love will slowly fade and fall apart
Someone please sing this lovesick melody
Call my name if you're afraid
I'm just a kiss away"

9. Still Breathing by Mayday Parade

Hi, this is now a Mayday Parade fan account.

"Trying to make this life my own
And nothing will keep this heart from beating
I'm still breathing"

10. Iris - Sleeping with Sirens cover

Kellin Quinn's voice is just really relaxing and I love this song.

11. Rest in Peace by Yellowcard

"Could we forgive somehow, could we let it rest in peace?"

12. Light Up the Sky by Yellowcard

My best friend showed me this song and I fell in love with it. The added bonus is that, now, this song reminds me of him too! I love when my friends show me music and then it reminds me of them.

"You run in the dark through a firefight
And I would explode just to save your life"

13. Me First by Real Friends


This song is a MOOD!

"I'm at best your second option like a key under the mat"

14. Clairvoyant by The Story So Far


"I think you'll notice when things become different
The good vibes in our lives won't feel so consistent
And less becomes more cause the weight is too heavy
I swim in the water that's breaking your levee"

15. I'm Just a Kid by Simple Plan

I live for the angst.

"I'm just a kid
And life is a nightmare"

16. Saturday by Fall Out Boy

Take This to Your Grave is Fall Out Boy's best album, try to change my mind.

"I'm good to go
And I'm going nowhere fast"

17. Candles by Hey Monday

Before Cassadee Pope won the Voice and became a mediocre country singer, she was in a mediocre pop punk band. I like this song though.

"All the games you played
The promises you made
Couldn't finish what you started
Only darkness still remains"

18. The Greatest Show - Panic! At the Disco cover

This is the greatest cover of a song to ever exist. I want to listen to this song on repeat for the rest of my life. When I'm feeling like the world is beating me down, this song always lifts me back up.

19. LA Devotee by Panic! At the Disco

"The black magic of Mulholland Drive
Swimming pools under desert skies
Drinking white wine in the blushing light
Just another LA Devotee
Sunsets on the evil eye
Invisible to the Hollywood shrine
Always on the hunt for a little more time"

20. Vegas Lights by Panic! At the Disco

I decided to lighten up this little playlist with the last three Panic! At the Disco songs, just as a reminder that, when life is beating you down, you can still have fun and try to beat life back.

I really love this song, as it is super fun and also the Vegas Golden Knight's goal song.

"We're all not here for nothing
And we're bored with looking good
We gotta be starting something
Would you change it if you could?"

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