20 Signs You're In Summer School | The Odyssey Online
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20 Signs You're In Summer School

School is most definitely NOT out for summer.

20 Signs You're In Summer School
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You thought it would be a great idea. Enroll in a class at a local community college, save some money on a required class, take the stress off next semester by only having to worry about one class, and make new friends from other schools while you're at it. But you were wrong, so wrong. What is supposed to be your fun, relaxing summer is quickly turning into a nightmare because of one thing- summer school.

1. The teacher seems to take joy out of the fact that they are robbing you of your summer free time and often make jokes out of it.

2. You begin to count down the minutes left of class even though you're no where close to the end (80 minutes... 79 minutes...).

3. There is a rule that you must wear clothing that represents your real university in order to "compete" over who goes to the best school (Yeah, I see you University of Hawaii... and I'm jealous).

4. You ordered an expensive textbook but you really haven't touched it as frequently as you would have during the school year because, well, the beach.

5. Homework is not a real thing because the professor knows you won't do it and they would rather not deal with all the excuses.

6. Half of your classmates are not college students at all (some of them might even be taking the class for fun... *shudder*).

7. You've never valued ten minutes so much in your entire life until your professor gives you a break.

8. You're often envious of the food (or Starbucks Chai Latte) that your fellow classmates stroll in with.

9. Regardless of the temperature outside, you have to wear long pants and a sweatshirt because the classroom tries its best not to remind you that you're missing out on sunshine by being 50 degrees.

10. You sneak and park in the "teachers only" lot because you know it won't fill up AND there are no parking monitors in the off season.

11. The vending machine has become you're closest acquaintance.

12. And you know where the farthest bathroom is located so you can take extra time wandering the halls.

13. There is the one kid in the class who has clearly failed the course at least once and still doesn't have his shit together.

14. There is also one kid in class who shows up to absolutely nothing but the exams (good luck, buddy).

15. It took you a few days to figure out how the WiFi worked and you had to actually pay attention during the first few classes.

16. You questioned every practice you ever learned because you're in an entirely new place (Do I ask permission to use the bathroom? Do I shout out the answer if I know it? Will my phone get taken away if I text?).

17. You suddenly become an avid water bottle carrier because it's yet another excuse to leave the classroom for a few minutes.

18. Your professor often overlooks portions of the book in order to save time (and make their job easier).

19. You've calculated exactly how many classes you can miss in order for you to still pass.

20. You vow that you will never, EVER sign up for another summer course again.

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