20. You've never gone a week without wearing something that is school apparel, and you have unmatched spirit.
19. But... you still wear clothing from high school, or your Facebook profile picture is still from graduation.
Because, you know, you gotta represent.
18. You wear your lanyard and ID card around your neck.
Seriously, nobody else does that.
17. Your drink of choice is either Burnett's vodka or Natty light, and you can drink an obscene amount of it.
You're broke and you want to get drunk. You're not picking your alcohol based on taste or price.
16. You love to pregame more than you actually love to party.
There's nothing "pre" about presuming when you're a freshman. You pregame so hard that you don't even need to go out after.
15. You dress up for class past the first week.
And you do your hair. And your makeup. Even if the class is at 8 AM.
14. You sit in the front row of class, already have all the books, and have your notebook open before the professor has even said "Good morning!"
13. You pretend that you're a superhuman when you're getting ready to go out in winter, because six inches of snow and below-freezing temperatures will not stop you from wearing your cute new crop top.
12. You're enthusiastic about the idea of eating a diet of Ramen noodles and pizza.You also might think you're invincible when it comes to the freshman fifteen.
11. You move in a literal pack.Because there's safety in numbers.
10. Speaking of which... you're obsessed with your floor mates, and it doesn't matter if you have nothing in common with them.
All of your snapchats say "squad" with pictures of your floor.
9. You start every conversation with, "What's your major?" or "Where are you from?"
It's a pretty safe conversation starter.
8.You get the syllabus, turn to your friend, and say, "This looks a lot harder than high school!"
Because it's not high school.
7. There's no better way to gain a bunch of new followers on social media.
Insta-follow back? Yes, please.
6. You go into the wrong building for class and the wrong floor and the wrong room.
You're lost, we all know it, and it's okay.
5.You're been called a "freshie" or "fresh meat," and you've actually answered to it.
And you take some sort of pride in your nickname.
4. You never say no to any type of social event. Want to get pizza? Want to learn how to do our laundry? Want to study together?3. Your room is full of WAY too much stuff, or WAY too little.
There's two kinds of people: the "I brought everything that I've ever owned," and the person who has yet to realize that five t-shirts and a pillow probably won't cut it.
2. You've Instagram-ed a picture with the caption "#socollege" at least once.
It's a dead giveaway.
1. You introduce yourself by saying, "Hi! I'm a freshman!"
As if there was any doubt in our minds!