Whether you're reminded of it at 2 a.m. in the midst of writing a 10-page paper, or when you have to constantly correct your friend's grammar, being an English major rocks. Yes, we complain about the endless paper writing and humongous amounts of reading that are enough to drown a person, but at the end of the day, we are lucky to study English.
From fabulous professors, to opportunities to delve into larger societal issues and questions in a classroom setting, to defending the necessity that is studying the humanities, we are privileged to be having these conversations. Keep reading to discover all the signs that point to the English nerd inside you.
1. It irks you beyond belief when people still don't know the difference between your and you're.
2. You bug your roommates about how good your book is then go on to explain its historical context, themes, and plot line, even though they don't really want to hear any of it.
3. Coffee is an essential food group that only becomes more of a necessity when you procrastinate doing your reading.
4. Your backpack weighs 10 times more than the average student's because of all the books in it.
5. You'll read almost anything, anytime, anywhere and aren't the slightest bit ashamed of it.
6. Writer's block for English majors is the equivalent of the apocalypse.
7. It pains you to hear that some people consider the Twilight books literature.
8. You have no doubt that some of your classmates will be writing the next great American novel and can't help but feel inferior sometimes.
9. You can hold an intellectual conversation with someone about Ulysses, Shakespeare, or Chaucer, and you're proud of it.
10. You've had an existential crisis at least once about what you will be doing after college.
11. There has been at least one time in your life when you've spent more money on books than anything else.
12. Girls outnumber boys in the vast majority of your English classes.
13. You're wholeheartedly convinced that you will meet your significant other in a bookstore.
14. You've mastered the art of cranking out a long paper the night before.
15. Whether or not you have an e-reader, you will always appreciate the value of having a paper book in your hands.
16. You understand that the book will always be better than the movie.
17. Sometimes you have the urge to time travel just so you can go back and hug Hemingway.
18. Whenever anyone gives you a hard time about being an English major, you whip out that several CEOs of Fortune 500 companies were also English majors.
19. You get extremely defensive when someone says you aren't going to have a job after college (which is not necessarily true).
20. You'd never trade your English major for anything else because books, paper-writing, and deep discussions about the meaning of life definitely beat whatever people in those other majors do.