20 Signs You Grew Up On Lake Minnetonka
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20 Signs You Grew Up On Lake Minnetonka

Growing up on Lake Minnetonka is a special experience. It sticks with you even after you leave.

20 Signs You Grew Up On Lake Minnetonka

Lake Minnetonka, located in the suburbs of the Twin Cities, is a magical place to be in the summer. On any nice summer day, the gigantic lake is buzzing with people boating, swimming, or just tanning on the dock. The people who are lucky to grow up next to the beautiful lake have a passion for it that remains even after they move away. Being able to call Lake Minnetonka home is a huge privilege, and it is one that is taken very seriously within the Twin Cities' western suburbs of Minnesota. Lake Minnetonka is a way of life for many. Here are 20 signs you grew up on Lake Minnetonka.

1. You prefer freshwater over saltwater.

Saltwater literally and figuratively leaves a bad taste in your mouth, so you'd pick a lake over an ocean any day.

2. Fourth of July is always spent on Big Island.

4th of July plans almost always include Lake Minnetonka, fireworks and, if you are looking for the full experience, Big Island.

3. Boating to a restaurant is completely normal.

Hungry? No worries, Lake Minnetonka has plenty of restaurants you could just boat on over to. In fact, some of the best restaurants in the area are on the lake, and you know exactly where they are.

4. The friend with the boat is always more popular in the summer.

If you owned a boat, you always seemed to have way more friends in the summer, but it is always expected and accepted. If you didn't own a boat, you seemed to spend a little bit more time with the friend that did.

5. You count down the days until the ice is off the lake.

The weather app becomes all too familiar in spring when you are checking it constantly. The minute the ice melts and the temperature rises above 50 degrees, you are filled with tremendous excitement.

6. You know where each celebrity on the lake lives and each time you pass one, you make sure to point it out.

Yes, Kevin Garnett lives on the lake, and yes, you know exactly where. You even saw Kim K on the lake once for the brief period she was married to Kris Humphries.

7. Jumping Arcola Bridge is something you've done multiple times.

Going completely against your parents' wishes, you'd get your rush of adrenaline from jumping the bridge after sunset. Although probably fairly dangerous, it always seemed like an amazing idea, and you don't regret doing it all.

8. You love Lord Fletcher's.

To the average person, the words "Lord Fletcher's" mean nothing. To you, it's everything. It's one of your favorite places to go grab a drink and an appetizer while admiring the beautiful view of the lake. You grew up going to Lord Fletcher's, and it's part of home.

9. You can spot water patrol from the other side of the bay, even in the dark.

Because you weren't always following the rules, and it was a necessity to know when you were being watched.

10. Skinny dipping was your version of streaking.

While most people are familiar with streaking, you are familiar with skinny dipping. It wasn't until you left home that you figured out swimming naked is not a normal, fun activity for others that didn't grow up on Lake Minnetonka.

11. You get excited for boating season, not summer.

Summer isn't summer without the lake. So, it is more worth it to be excited for boating season than to be excited for summer.

12. Even in winter, you spend ample time on the lake.

Whether it be ice skating, ice fishing, or snow shoeing, the lake is still the place to be in -20 degree weather.

13. You know multiple people who have received injuries from tubing.

I personally know at least three people who have been sent to the hospital for tubing injuries, but it is worth the risk.

14. You own more swimsuits than t-shirts.

Your wardrobe during boating season consists of mostly bathing suits, so what is the point in buying something as arbitrary as t-shirts?

15. You wear Sperrys everywhere in the summer.

Sperrys are known as dock shoes, so it would make sense that almost every person that grew up around the area would own a pair.

16. Swimming comes as easily to you as walking.

Every kid in the area takes swimming lessons at the local public school. It's just what we do.

17. You got your boater's permit when you were 12 years old.

You know you grew up on Lake Minnetonka when you could operate a boat before you could operate a car.

18. Being allowed to take out the boat alone was the ultimate sign of trust from your parents.

An open boat is almost better than an open house, and only the kids that had complete trust from their parents could take out the boat without supervision.

19. The most coveted summer job was being a dock boy.

Almost every teenage boy throughout high school had some type of job that dealt with the lake. Being outside during the beautiful days of summer was the most sought after job.

20. The lake is home, and you look forward to getting back on it each year.

Lake Minnetonka is home. Growing up next to it shaped who you are, and you will forever carry with you the memories you made with friends and family on the lake.

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