Growing up I quickly learned that my household was different than others.The endless amount of times that I have to explain to my friends that my family isn't screaming at each other but just talking, will never get old. Do not get me wrong, I love my culture and I am a very proud Latina.
Most of us Latinos can definitely relate to these signs.
1.“Ponte Vaporu”
2. Kissing everyone and their mothers on the cheek
Arriving at a family gathering and spending a half hour kissing people on the cheek to avoid a “ y tu no saludas” (why don't you ever say hi)3. Spanish music in the morning
4.The Unknown
Not knowing what you were going to find in this container.5. Facing the Fact you will never remember everyone
It seems like every time you go to a huge family gathering there is always someone new who approaches you and expecting you to remember them.
6.La Chancla
As a kid you never knew when this was about to hit you.7. Storing Pots in the Oven
8. “El Amiguto”
When you tell your parents you have a boyfriend and they refuse to call him your boyfriend.
9. Knowing What is for Dinner Every Night
It never changes ,you always know that when your mom is making “comida” rice and beans is always involved.10. Having Strict Parents
Always knowing when they are going to say no and not bother even asking.
11. “Cuando Yo Me Muera”( and when i die..)
Every time you say something disrespectful and you get the “cuando yo me muera” lecture.12. "I am 5 minutes away"
13. When your parents say put on your coats, we are leaving but end up staying an extra hour.
14.Forgetting to Do Your Chores
That moment when your heart drops , when you hear your mom pulling into the driveway and you forgot to take the chicken out of the freezer.