If you are anything like me, you have watched yourself form into a beautiful butterfly throughout the years. A tired, overworked butterfly that is. Because hey, college isn't easy! Being a social work major is so rewarding! Even before you have an official degree, you are able to impact people's lives through community outreach and hands-on internships. Being a social work major means you have a big heart and a passion for helping others. In the major, you learn many techniques and skills that you will use in your professional life. However, the best moment is when you actually catch yourself using these skills in your day-to-day life. I know that my family says, "You are acting like a social worker right now!" Hey, at least I am learning something and all those loans weren't a waste, right?
Here are signs you're a social work major:
1. You have developed a "social work voice."
This voice is calm and is paired with good eye-contact.
2. Self-Care is your favorite thing!
Netflix is self-care by the way!
3. You ask, "How are you feeling?" to everyone you see.
4. Support systems are something you advocate for!
Trust us, you need good friends.
5. You encourage different ways of thinking.
You catch yourself saying, "I am not saying you're wrong, but think of this situation this way.."
6. You make eye contact and nod your head when talking to someone.
Hey, we are really good at client assessments! We can't help it.
7. You understand that people are different.
When you begin to see everyone as different but the same, your world changes. Not everyone is exactly like you.
8. You are everyone's favorite listener!
You get the so, you are a social work major, can I talk to you? line ALL THE TIME. But you like it because you LOVE helping people.
9. You give advice multiple times a day.
Even if people don't ask for it.
10. You own a padfolio and it's your BFF.
I got an A+ in being profesh.
11. You remember details about people.
You randomly see a person and remember a fact they told you about their dad's cousin twice removed.
12. You want to help EVERYONE you come into contact with.
Saving the world, one life at a time!
13. You encourage people to be open with you.
14. You get people to change to a more positive mindset.
15. You have the biggest heart.
16. You don't like hurting people's feelings.
17. You evaluate your friends and family.
Secretly evaluating your needs right now as we speak.
18. You literally think of possible resources to give somebody when they are talking to you.
I think you would be a great fit for this nursing home! Have you ever tried AA?