1. You know all the lyrics to the theme song
2. You wanted to live in the Stewarts' house so badly
3. You knew the title of every episode...
4. And knew that each was a play on the title of a real song
5. You always wanted Lilly and Oliver to get together
6. You were #TeamJake
7. You had every Hannah Montana song on your iPod
8. And saw the movie in theaters
9. You loved her new look in Season 3
10. And could point out everything that changed
11. You noticed the discontinuity errors in some episodes, like Lilly being an only child but referencing her brother.
12. You could quote the majority of the 98 episodes
13. You had some sort of Hannah Montana-themed decor in your room
14. You knew Miley's entire family lineage
15. You always sang "yeah, yeah, yeah, woah" with Miley in-between the scenes of each episode
16. You watched the first episode when it aired
17. You also use ketchup as moisturizer
18. You know where all of the stars are now
19. You miss Hannah...
20. And you feel bad for this generation of kids, who don't know what an awesome Disney Channel show is