It's been almost four semesters since I joined Sigma Phi Lambda, and as the days go by, I fall in love more and more with my sorority. It didn't take me long to realize that I love being a Phi Lamb girl. Here are twenty signs that you might be a Phi Lamb girl, too:
1. You're actually really excited about Mondays (particularly Monday nights).
2. You have Romans 15:5-6 highlighted AND starred in your Bible.
3. You get to see your sisters multiple times a week (i.e., meetings, bible study, church, classes, etc.).
4. You have an entire Pinterest board dedicated to various Phi Lamb crafts and apparel.
5. For you, going to a worship concert is the perfect idea for a GNO.
6. Bowling outings, date parties, formals, karaoke nights or any other Christ-centered event you do with your sisters also count as great GNOs.
7. When you think of your sisters, you think of your future bridesmaids.
8. You're constantly praying over all of your sisters, day and night.
9. You're not ashamed to pray in public with your sisters, even when others are watching you.
10. You have the Phi Lamb shuffle song ("Shackles" by Mary Mary) on your iPod.
11. You sparkle with the joy of the Lord everywhere you go.
12. Your big is like a mom, sister, best friend and accountability partner, all rolled into one.
13. You can talk to your sisters about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING, and they'll be more than willing to pray for you.
14. You feel more at peace, knowing that your sisters will always have your back.
15. Your main purpose on Earth is to glorify God and make His name great.
16. You're imperfect, but then again, so are your sisters. This is the reason why we should all carry each other's burdens.
17. You smile to yourself every time you receive an encouraging text from one of your sisters.
18. Your GroupMe is always blowing up with messages from your sisters (which is a good thing, of course).
19. You get to experience how God is moving through the lives of other girls, just like yourself.
20. At the end of the day, you absolutely love your Phi Lamb pham.
God bless all of ewe!