Do you cringe every time someone says the word bulletin board? Does the smell of burnt popcorn haunt your dreams? When someone says "dorm," is your first reaction to correct them and say, Residence Hall? If the answer to those questions were yes, then you probably are an RA. Here are some other signs that you are (or were) an RA!
1. The instant panic every time you hear the duty phone.
Nothing is greater than a resident calling you at 3 a.m. because they locked themselves out. (And somehow it always manages to be when you have an early morning exam the next day).
2. You spend a lot of time planning a program, only to have four residents show up.
It's okay, though because you know you did an awesome job and those four residents are your favorites anyway.
3. Walking around on a Thursday night and hearing cups clinking and loud music coming from a room.
Then proceeding to prep yourself for the party that you know you're going to have to break up, and the paperwork that's going to follow.
4. Hearing the fire alarm go off at 4 a.m., knowing that you have to stay up writing an IR because some residents decided that now was a good time to straighten their hair.
Who straightens their hair at 4 a.m.? Don't you people sleep?
5. Asking for coverage like...
6. Being extremely grateful when another RA says they'll cover you.
And you promise to cover them back and offer compensation (in meal swipes).
7. You put your blood, sweat, and tears into your door tags...
...Only for some residents to take them down right after move-in day.
8. When a resident tries to convince you they haven't been drinking, but you can see the alcohol in their room.
You do realize we have eyes, right?
9. You and your staff are a strange but loving family.
Their constant support is what gets you through the semester.
10. Cricuts are simultaneously your best friend and worst enemy.
I think Taylor Swift puts it best.
11. You're BFFs with Public Safety.
"This is RA _____ calling in. How're you doing Jim? How's your night going?"
12. Residents will randomly find you on campus during the day and tell you they're locked out.
And you tell them they have to go to the RHD or Public Safety because the RA isn't on duty until 6 p.m., so it's not your responsibility.
13. Talking to a resident who claims they weren't smoking weed, but their room smells like air freshener and you see towels by the door.
FYI, the bong on your desk doesn't help your case either.
14. Being on 24-hour duty.
Meal breaks are your one hour of freedom.
15. Halloween, a.k.a. the worst night to be on duty (right next to the entirety of syllabus week).
Halloween is a bit more tolerable, though, because at least people are dressed in funny costumes.
16. You share crazy or funny incident stories with other RAs.
It's a coping mechanism, really.
17. But there are those incidents that you can't really talk about, so...
18. When dealing with noise complaints, you sometimes want to react like Tyra Banks during ANTM Cycle 4.
But you know you can't, so you just politely tell them to respect quiet hours.