1. You BlEeD GrEeN.
2. Every Tuesday is an AOTuesday.
3. Teddy bears aren't just for little kids.
4. AOT means more to you than "Angels of Truth".
5. April 1st isn't just April Fools Day but the start of National Child Abuse Prevention Month, and you're stoked to spend it supporting Prevent Child Abuse America!
6. You love watching The Blindside because Leigh Anne Tuohy is your sorority sister.
7. You spend all your money on Girl Scout Cookies.
8. You've already planned to sing the Kappa Delta Lullaby to your children.
9. You're favorite day of the year is when you get to make someones day with balloons for the You Make Me Smile campaign.
10. You're hand sign is one of the easiest ones there is, so you love to throw what ya know everywhere you go.
11. You have amazing sisters that help you to become more confident in yourself every day.
12. You love getting to play dress up and dance with the Girl Scouts, and inspire them to have confidence in themselves.
13. It's not just green and white, it's olive green and pearl white.
14. You've got Dagger Swagger.
15. War of the Wings is one of your favorite philanthropy events because it involves WiNgS. (YUM).
16. St. Patricks day is more fun because it involves SHAMROCKS and GREEN, and you're lucky to be a KD.
17. You'd pick white roses over red ones any day.
18. You're always striving for that which is Honorable, Beautiful, and Highest.
19. Your chapter's values and your sisters have helped build the person you are today, and will forever have an impact on you.
20. To you: It's not four years, it's for life.