The majority of people from Chicago's North Shore have the reputation for being wealthy, ostentatious and living large. Families tend to compete against each other "nonchalantly" to see who takes the crown as the "alphas" in the neighborhood. Parents of the North Shore use social media as an outlet to up the competition.
Children grew up living the life of luxury, and I can tell you that going away to college has changed my outlook on life. Not only can people tell we're from the North Shore with our heavy accents, but they are these 20 signs as well.
1. Your go-to as a child was the Kohl Children's Museum.
Grocery shopping, enough said.
2. You've been to at least 20 Bar/Bat Mitzvahs.
3. You went to an overly expensive overnight camp.
I can't tell you how I managed to go eight years.
4. Before overnight camp, there were luxurious summer camps.
Banner Day Camp, "Z" Frank Apachi Day Camp, etc.
5. You shopped at Just Between Friends, Fashion Flashbacks, E-Street Denim, Such A Deal, Uncle Dans and Ross Cosmetics on a regular basis.
6. You definitely had a cleaning lady.
And you treated her as part of the family.
7. Six Flags all summer long.
Raging Bull was, and still is, definitely, you're favorite.
8. You went on extravagant family vacations.
And if you didn't, you had a hard time finding plans while stuck at home.
9. You've probably sat in a sky box at sporting events.
10. Michael's Hot Dogs.
11. When people ask you where you're from, you simply say, "Chicago," because explaining takes too long.
12. You have the latest iPhone at all times.
You'll 100 percent trade in for the iPhone 7 when it comes out.
13. You've seen at least two Broadway shows downtown.
14. You live for Lululemon.
15. You received a credit card at a young age.
Do you accept Discover?
16. As a child, you had all the latest and hottest toys on the market.
Barbie Dreamhouse anyone?
17. And you had around 50 Webkinz.
At top dollar.
18. Lollapalooza
A high school reunion can be found in front of the Perry's sign.
19. Every high school party got busted by the cops.
They had nothing better to do than bust a bunch of underage kids drinking.
20. As soon as you get your license, you get a car.
Living in suburbia can be fun for awhile, but make sure to get the heck out of there for college to experience the real world. It sure is a whole lot different.