20 Signs And Struggles Of Being A Book Fanatic | The Odyssey Online
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20 Signs And Struggles Of Being A Book Fanatic

There is so much to loving and reading books.

20 Signs And Struggles Of Being A Book Fanatic
The Order Obsessed

As an avid reader, books are a part of my everyday life. When thinking about my life with books, these were the signs and struggles of being a bookworm that came to mind.

1. You can spend hours looking for the perfect book, whether it be in a library or a bookshop.

2. You always leave with more books than you originally intended.

3. You recommend books to people all the time.

4. When you find someone who likes the same book(s), author(s), and/or genre(s), you instantly geek out about said things and become instant BFFs. It's the power of books.

5. Reading while walking is the norm for you. You've mastered avoiding running into things while read-walking.

6. Finding "dog-folded" corners on the pages of any book makes you CRINGE.

7. "Going outside and doing something" means finding a nice shaded area to read. Hey, it counts. You're outside and you're doing something.

8. You always have a book with you. That's what I call prepared. PREPARED.

9. Brand-new books and really old books are favorite scents.

10. Sometimes you have to tune people out. It's not because you don't want to listen to them, it's just that this book is too good.

11. People always ask, "Why don't you just use a kindle instead? It's so much lighter and can carry so many more books."

"Maybe eBooks are going to take over, one day, but not until those whiz kids in Silicon Valley invent a way to bend the corners, fold the spine, yellow the pages, add a coffee ring or two and allow the plastic tablet to fall open at a favorite page." --Russell T. Davies

12. Every time a character dies, you die inside a little.


13. When you lend someone a book and they never give it back, you may look like this:

14. You're used to getting emotional in public and people staring at you because of a book. ALL OF THE FEELINGS MAN. All of them.

15. Reading as a hangout with a friend(s) or as a romantic date with a significant other is ideal.

16. Waiting for the next book(s) in a series to come out is the equivalent to death.

17. But finding books at good (cheaper) prices, makes it somewhat bearable. BECAUSE BOOKS ARE LIFE.

18. You've been this person:

19. And you know what this is like because getting comfortable to read is SO HARD to do.

20. Finishing a book and coming back to reality is the worst.

But don't worry, it's an adventure you can repeat again and again.

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