20 Secrets For Your 20s
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20 Secrets For Your 20s

Don’t forget to make the most of these years, because you can NEVER turn back time.

20 Secrets For Your 20s

This past week has been a whirlwind of life-changing events. More specifically, I said goodbye to my teenage years and welcomed the supposedly “best years of my life” (A.K.A. ages 20-30). Being a 20 year old felt like a lifetime away when I was a mere teenager. However, time flies what with college, jobs, and internships. This led me to researching the top 20 secrets of what it’s like to be in your 20s, and here’s what I found:

  1. Budgeting is probably the most difficult thing you will ever handle in your 20s. From going to restaurants/bars to buying more suits/professional clothing to paying for rent/mortgages…Budgeting is an absolute must to master.
  2. You have to understand that the possibility for greatness and embarrassment both exist in the same space. If you’re unwilling to be embarrassed, you’re probably unwilling to be great.
  3. Seeing a therapist or counselor does NOT mean you are weak. We all have our own issues that we try to wrap and hide under the Christmas tree. It’s better to deal with them before they implode on the holidays.
  4. Jobs on Craigslist are a no-no. They usually lead you to a warehouse. And then…well…you may cut your 20s short.
  5. Social media becomes more and more irrelevant as you mature, unless it has to do with the latest job posts, stocks/bonds exchange rates, and/or political activity.
  6. Making and keeping friends in our 20s takes intentionality. Moving all over the country, getting married or having kids, and focusing on new friends can make it easy to fall out of contact with old college friends.
  7. Most of your failures with be produced within your 20s. The key is when you fail, don’t begin calling yourself a failure.
  8. Break-ups are less of a hassle, because your 20s are generally the “single-and-ready-to-mingle” phase. At least for 67% of the population.
  9. Watch out for the Cubicle-Cincuenta. Don’t sit at your computer perched like a Roman gargoyle. Don’t let office birthday cake be forced on you like a cigarette. Stay fit!
  10. Don’t get stuck in cubicle life. According to current BLS stats, only 3% of cubicle-working Americans have a positive outlook on like.
  11. You start feeling like you’re 6 years old during your mid-30s. This is called a Quarter-Life Crisis. Don’t freak-out with all your newfound responsibility and lack of direction in some aspects of your life. Stay calm, and focus on what you have now.
  12. Your 20s are usually a time of religious awakening. You start to open up to more ideas and explore the possibilities of different faiths.
  13. STAY AWAY FROM OBSESSIVE COMPARISON DISORDER! Say no to comparing your life to your higher-upper, or anyone else for that matter. Focus on your brand—how can you stand out by being you?
  14. Life will never feel like it’s “supposed to.” Being twentysomething can feel like death met by unmet expectations. Where you are at now is right where you need to be, so don’t feel like you’re running out of time to achieve your goals.
  15. Set the table before you enjoy the feast. Success in your 20s is about owning, honing, refining, and defining your signature sauce—the flavor you bring to the world.
  16. Marriage does NOT solve problems. It does, however, put a magnifying glass on how many problems you really do have. If you find the right partner, dealing with these problems may not be as difficult. Oh, and be sure you can handle the idea of living with another person—for a lifetime.
  17. An assortment of jobs is to be expected in your 20s before finding the right fit. Push through!
  18. You are able to persevere through 16 setbacks, a lack of passion from time to time, and forgetting how or why you’re even important to your company. Being in your 20s gives you a boost of confidence to work through impossible scenarios.
  19. Don’t date someone from work. No matter how cute they are. It usually ends in tears…or job searching.
  20. The best memories are likely to be had in your 20s with all of these changes. Don’t forget to make the most of these years, because you can NEVER turn back time.

Your 20s are your selfish years. Old enough to make the right decisions and young enough to make the wrong ones. Be selfish with your time--travel, explore, find faith, experience love, laugh! Be 20 something.

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