This is a composed list of things that people do to their professors that seriously irritates me and should bother you too. It shows a lack of respect and moral when you do these 20 things:
1. They Zoom and drive!
For two reasons this bothers me: one, it's extremely unsafe and two, it's just rude. I see it a lot these days.
2.Talk over them.
3.Tell them they are wrong.
4.Chronically show up late.
5.Never answer questions when asked.
6.Make fun of them outside of class.
Yes- some professors suck, but you should still respect them as individuals.
7.Try to outsmart them (and usually fail).
8.Eating in class.
Even if your professor is cool with you eating in class, you should seriously reconsider your ethics if you can't take the time out of your day to do these things before class.
9.Text/take calls in class.
10.Packing up early.
11.Rolling your eyes at them for giving you an assignment.
You're in college, what do you expect?
12.Impolitely telling them that your grade is "wrong".
13.Crossing your arms/putting your head down during class.
14.Emailing them 1000 x a day.
This one is less rude as it is annoying
15.When the WHOLE class doesn't respond.
16.Never saying "please" or "thank you"
Seriously, who raised you people?
17.Mocking them.
18.Pretending they are the only people in class who have something to say.
19.Having your headphones/air pods in.
It's literally a class that you PAY for!
20.Leaving for non-emergency reasons.