I've never been one for New Years' Resolutions, but I do love a good bucket list. I guess this is a mix of the two. Anyway, the new year is certainly going to bring countless new things into my life. I'm just excited to face them all.
1. Traveling to new places.
If all goes as planned, I'll go to four new countries this summer.
2. Discovering new music.
The last two years have brought me to country music. Who knows what's next?
3. Making new friends.
There's always room for more people to love.
4. Getting an internship.
5. Starting classes for my major.
Sociology and Women's Studies here I come!
6. Making new memories with old friends.
Always need more stories to tell when looking back at the good ol' days.
7. Moving out of the dorms.
I love being on campus, but I'm excited to be in a house with all my friends next year.
8. Moving forward from the past.
Time heals all wounds.
9. Volunteering more.
I'm excited to get more involved on campus and in my community.
10. Applying for a grad school program.
The future is coming fast, but I'm excited to see where it starts to take me.
11. Applying for journalism school.
I'm so ready to stop having to say I'm an intended major and just being able to say I am a PR major.
12. Reading books that'll change my life.
Next on my list? Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston.
13. Practicing photography.
Haven't picked up my camera since June, and it's time to change that.
14. Learning how to cook.
Not being on meal plan is making this a necessity, but maybe I'll be good at it?
15. Getting another tattoo.
Sorry, Mom. I think I'm addicted.
16. Developing a new sense of style.
I started dressing different towards the end of 2019, and I'm ready to keep going with it.
17. Starting to exercise.
I've discovered exercising is actually pretty fun and relaxing. I should probably do it more often.
18. Cleaning my room.
My room is an absolute disaster, and I'm ready to be able to see the floor again.
19. Learning more about myself.
I keep discovering new things I like and hate and want and am afraid of. I'm looking forward to getting to know myself this year.
20. Getting closer to being the person I want to be.
It's a never-ending process, but 2020 will surely bring me a thousand steps closer.