St. Bede the Venerable was such a special place to go to school from pre-k to 8th grade. I am very thankful that I went to such a great school and was surrounded with a great community that brought me tons of memories I could never forget. Here are just a few memories most of us that went there can relate to:
- Mr. Guerin was your best friend and always had your back. Also, the "Don't Laugh at Me" song and "The Worry Stone" will always be a part of your life because of him.
- You know the "Peace Pledge" by heart because you had to say it for morning prayer every morning.
- Whenever someone says "We Are" you automatically think "ST BEDE."
- You still have shirts/ jerseys that say St. Bede...and occasionally still wear them.
- Pep rallies were fun (especially when the cheerleaders performed and messed up).
- You were not able to get up and throw food away during lunch and had to wait for a lunch lady with a garbage can.
- You call it your "grammar school" and nobody knows what you are talking about.
- You are still best friends with most of your best friends who went there since about pre-school.
- Hot lunches were a hit or miss (hits: nacho combo chili, chicken sticks with mashed potatoes, and deep dish pizza).
- You remember Father Marion and you were most likely baptized by him.
- The roller skating parties were interesting when people tried to dance while on roller skates.
- Walk-a-Thons got more difficult each year and some people cheated without the teachers noticing. But if you didn't cheat, you raised money, and if you cheated, you still raised money.
- You are friends with one or more of your old teachers on Facebook.
- You remember the horrible smell of the trees during that one time of year.
- There were certain days of the week or "color days" when you went to activities such as gym or computer class.
- You took pictures on Photo Booth in computer class instead of actually listening to whatever the teacher was saying.
- The BEST game to play in gym class was Prison Ball.
- You looked at all the pictures of the graduates on the walls every time you went for a bathroom break.
- You did not want to go to after school care so you talked to as many friends as you could after school before you had to go.
- You notice things are changing and get angry because the new principals will not let you walk around during school hours when all your favorite teachers are there, but it is still your home.
Go Class of 2012!!!!!! GO TIGERS!!!!!! Never forget where you came from.