First world problems are things that we all experience that are essentially just minor inconveniences throughout our day-to-day lives. Are they worth complaining about? Probably not but I'm about to list them off anyway. Here are 20 first world problems that I list off while I sip on my too-hot latte:
1. Having No Wifi
Having your wifi go out while you're on the season finale of Grey's Anatomy?? Tragic. Even if it's the 4th time you are watching the series and you already know that everyone eventually dies in the show.
2. Having a 9 a.m. class... on a FRIDAY
Staying up way too late on Thursday and then having to wake up for that 9 a.m. class on Friday, the worst. On second thought, is that 9 a.m. even worth the hassle?
3. Chipped Nail Polish
You know that horror when you just painted your nails the night before and they already started chipping.
4. A Wardrobe Full of Clothes, but NOTHING to Wear
Every morning is spent staring at clothes that you just don't feel like wearing for whatever reason. This usually results in wearing the same 3 outfits, like every week.
5. When Dominos is Taking too Long on Your Delivery
I ordered my pizza 5 minutes ago. Why isn't it here yet? I'm hungry right now.
6. Running Out of Hot Water
I've been in the shower for 30 minutes contemplating life and have yet to start washing my hair, why is the water cold now? Rude.
7. When the Line At Starbucks Makes You Late For Class
I had to have my coffee this morning or I was just going to die, but the baristas just took so long and now I'm late.
8. Commercials
I forgot this was live TV, now I can't fast forward through commercials and now I'm bored.
9. When you get cozy in Bed...
but them you remember you have homework due at midnight and it's 11 p.m. right now.
10. When your Phone Charger Doesn't Reach Your Bed
This is just disrespectful.
11. Changing your Password on Anything
Then you have to re-log-in on every electronic device. Laptop, phone, tablet, etc.
12. Being Hungry But Having No Food Around
You know when you open and close your fridge about 17 times hoping that food will magically appear and then it never does?
13. When Your Headphones Get Tangled
Over time you stick your headphones in your pocket, even if it's just for a minute, they somehow become tangled.
14. Catching Up On Your Favorite Show
When you've been binge-watching New Girl for the last week and are now all caught up and have to wait for the next season.
15. Not Getting As Many Likes or Retweets As You Wanted
When the world doesn't think you're as funny as you think you are.
16. When People Have Their Instagrams on 'Private'
You worked so hard to find people on Instagram to stalk but they have their profiles on private, how dare they?
17. Online Shopping
The worst is buying the wrong size and then being too lazy to ship it back so now you're stuck with a shirt that you're never going to wear and wasted money.
18. Going into a Food Coma
I am so full that I might just explode. Why did I eat all that food? Oh. My. Gosh. I just ate so much.
19. Pringles Cans
My hand is just too big to fit and having to tilt the can is just so much work.
20. That Low Battery 10% Notification
My phone is dying but my charger is on the other side of the room... I'm just going to continue playing on my phone and then complain when it dies.