It's that show you grow up watching, that show you can relate to the most, and that show you wish had never ended. It teaches its audience real life lessons and provides some great entertainment as well. For anyone that has seen every episode and all nine seasons of it, I'm sure you feel the same. One Tree Hill will be my favorite show, 'Always and Forever'.
1. Shows you the value of friendship.
Brooke and Peyton, Lucas and Haley - the friendship goals list goes on and on.
2. Teaches you to never be afraid to go after your dreams.
It inspires you to chase your dreams no matter what.3. Chad Michael Murray.
I mean come on, who didn't fall in love with Chad Michael Murray as he played Lucas Scott?4. Its focus on sports.
Whether you have a love for sports or not, One Tree Hill touched a lot on how important sports can be to a person.
5. Teaches you to love yourself and embrace who you are.
It shows you that it's okay to be yourself, and to not worry about how others see you.
6. The river court.
We all wish the river court was a real place.
7. Its many hilarious moments.
As emotional as One Tree Hill makes me, it makes me laugh just as much. Aka: Chris Keller.
8. I've never felt so many feelings at once while watching a TV show.
You can relate to the characters and what they're going through.
9. It shows you that life is short, so tell the people in your life that you love them every chance that you get.
Appreciate every moment.10. The music.
OTH always had the best music in every episode, as well as the best musical guests. From Gavin Degraw, to Fall Out Boy, to Jimmy Eat World, the list is endless.
11. The cast is great to look at.
12. Provides some unbeatable relationship goals.
Nathan and Haley, Lucas and Peyton, Brooke and Julian, Clay and Quinn. All are relationship goals to the max.
13. This episode.
The state championship episode though.14. Shootings, car crashes, heart attacks, and crazy people.
One Tree Hill can get pretty dramatic at times, but nevertheless it's incredibly entertaining to watch.
15. Love.
It makes us believe in love.
16. Teaches you to deal with loss.
Sad face.17. The comet.
Where it all began.
18. The labels that others give us do not define us.
It reminds us that we are good enough.19. The quotes.
The infamous Peyton Sawyer line that we all love.20. The theme song.
Every time I hear "I Don't Wanna Be" by Gavin Degraw, I immediately think of my favorite show, One Tree Hill.