1. No more snow.
2. Flowers are blooming and it smells really pretty on campus for once.
3. Everyone is outside again! The sleeping bears have awoken!
4. There's more motivation to go to class now that it's warmer.
5. That means the lake is unfrozen! Now I can stare at it...still not going in but I can stare.
6. No snow.
7. It's closer to summer! Sweet baby Jesus YES!!!!!
8. Goodbye layers and layers of clothes to keep me from getting hypothermia!
9. You can hear the birds chirping in the morning all the way till sunset again; that is sweet music to my ear-holes.
10. Which means crickets slowly start making their way into the picture at night. Best sound EVER.
11. You can hear the wondrous sounds of student night life slowly coming back from hibernation.
12. No snow.
13. No more below freezing weather; actually, no more weather below 40!
14. Finally, air that doesn't hurt my face after .2 seconds of being outside.
15. I can drive with all my windows down! ALL THE WINDOWS!!!!!
16. I can drive with all my windows down AND blast my music! And grace people's ear-holes with my angelic singing...
17. MUD PIES...okay I'm just kidding no mud pies...maybe just one.
18. No snow.
19. Seriously, no more snow!
20. Oh did I mention...NO MORE STINKIN SNOW! Hallelujah!
Thanks for reading! Cheers!
Now enjoy this gif of what I quite possibly look like when spring is around the corner. I best be callin' all my peeps yo, tellin' em spring is hur!
And this one, because I'm flawless in spring.