1. The Sisterhood
Gamma Phi has taught me what it is like to have sisters. I know everyone says they love their sisterhood, but I now know why.
2. Philanthropy
Building Strong Girls... As a woman it is hard to be strong and confident, but it feels so great to teach young girls how to be confident. I learn so much more from those girls than they will learn from me.
3. Social/Mixer/Formal
I do not pay for my friends, I pay for my queso and chicken tenders at a Mixer.
4. Networking
No matter where you go, there is always a sister near by.
5. T-shirts GALORE
I live in t-shirts. Joining Gamma Phi was a dream when I realized how many t-shirts came along with it.
6. Ritual
It is so sacred and moving. Women who are new sisters to women who are 95 can talk of the same experience they had, but only sisters will ever know.
7. Academic Accountability
Shoutout to our scholarship chairwoman for making sure I log my study hours!!
8. Campus Involvement
Coming to a new school is tough, but your sisters will always help you feel welcomed!
I love singing... from the songs we sing to the chants we scream, Gamma Phi has a good time.
10. International
Thinking of moving to Canada? You will still have sisters nearby!
11.My Pledge Class
I love my pledge class, they have been with me through recruitment to bid day to big/little to so much more!!
12. My B I G
She is the definition of a TRUE AND CONSTANT friend!!! When I locked my keys in my car and had to wait two hours for the locksmith she met me, took me to coffee, and went shopping to take my mind off things.
13.Constant Support
No matter what a sister is struggling with, we do not mind taking time out of our day to help them, pray for them, or think about them.
14. Inspired Me to the Highest Type of Womanhood
Every day I aspire to be the best I can, especially with the letters on the back of my car (no more road rage).
15. Always Under the Crescent Moon
There is always a sister there to look after you, support you, welcome you to a new community, whatever you need!
16. Same Letters, but Many Paths
We are not all the stereotypical blonde hair blue eyed, and it is so beautiful!! Although we are a sorority, we are still diverse in many aspects.
17. They Have My Back
I found out who my friends were.
18. Alumni
They know so much about Gamma Phi and want you to know it all too.
19. I Found Home
I ran home to Gamma Phi, and I will never turn back.
20. It’s Not for Years It’s for Life
New Member? Alumni? No Matter. Still a SISTER.