Ever since her role as Hermoine Granger in the Harry Potter movies, I've adored Emma Watson as an actress. It wasn't until I was older that I realized acting was only one of her many great gifts to this world.
Here are 20 reasons Emma Watson is and forever will be one of my favorite human beings.
1. She's confident in herself and who she is as a person. And, I mean, look at her. She's adorable.
2. She's perfectly okay with being different and remains true to herself despite constant pressure from society.
3. She lives her life for herself and no one else.
4. She recognizes how disgustingly fake society's image of beauty is and continually tries to change this ideal.
5. She is an activist for numerous social issues, one of the biggest being gender equality. She even took a break from acting to focus on feminism.
6. She does not try to hide who she is or apologize for who she is not.
7. She accepts that she will make several mistakes in life but does not let that hold her back from living her life and trying to accomplish the things she wants to do.
8. She a huge advocate for self-expression and social change, especially through fashion. She wore a dress to the 2016 Met Gala that was made entirely from sustainable products to demonstrate the importance of sustainable fashion to our environment.
9. She's shown us all there is nothing wrong with being an intelligent, accomplished woman who does not need a guy to save her.
10. She's not only a successful, independent woman, but she is also gracious and recognizes the fact that she would not be where she is today without the love and support of others.
11. She recognizes the true beauty in herself and in others, based on the content of their character and not their physical appearance.
12. How is this not inspiring?
13. She's preached time and time again that being feminine has nothing to do with being complacent or passive or helpless as society says.
14. She is one of the most brilliant role models. She speaks her mind and stands by her beliefs and values, even if they don't align with the status quo.
15. She has the courage to acknowledge her fears instead of running away from them.
16. She's taught me to take a chance on the things I'm truly passionate about, even if the idea of putting myself out there is terrifying, because the endless possibilities of what could happen are worth it.
17. Her self-confidence and ambition have never ceased to amaze me.
18. She doesn't let people make her feel small or insignificant.
19. She has never let society make her feel as though she has to wear shorts skirts and low-cut tops to be seen as sexy. She shows her sexiness through mystery instead.
20. Last but not least, Hermoine Granger is one of my favorite literary characters of all time and Emma Watson played her role in the movies perfectly.