1) LeFou literally translates to “the fool.” Disney’s first gay character is named the fool. Amazing. Seriously? Were we not supposed to notice that one?
2) He’s unrequitedly in love with a straight man.
Enough said.
3) A straight man who ABUSES and bullies him.
Because unrequited love isn't bad enough, we had to make him abusive too. Great image for kids on gay relationship dynamics.
4) He has a 0.01% chance of getting his happy ending.
5) He’s being taken advantage of and led on by someone who is openly straight.
Yes, please show me 2 seconds of affection so I wont get upset and then pronounce to the world how manly and deserving of love you are, by a woman!
6) His sexuality is a joke.
7) His sexuality is likely to be the butt of the joke for a good part of the movie.
8) Even if his sexuality isn't the butt of the joke, HE will be.Again...enough said.
9) His entire role in the movie is to be evil and cosmic relief, as well as feeding Gaston’s ego.
See that look? that look says "please, admire me more! smile wider! love me harder!"
10) Queer Coding villains and Disney go together like peanut butter and jelly
or like these two...whatever, same difference (sorta).
11) Disney is patting itself on the back for this--literally.
Seriously not seeing the problem yet? SERIOUSLY?
12) His character description is stereotypical.
"Happy and foolish and gay!"
13) LeFou being gay for Gaston is already something of a cultural joke.
Anyone else hear that menacing, echoing laugh that haunts you in your sleep? Vaguely reminds you of walking through a hallway and having everyone laugh or stare? Yeah, me too.
14) He’s barely in the movie. And when he is, it’s for Gaston’s benefit.
15) As the only gay person in a love story, he’ll end up alone and evil.
16) People have been theorizing on how the story could be better with a gay character for years and of all the ideas, this was probably the worst possible option for picking a gay character.
17) Lesbian Belle? Gay Beast? No? Is it too much to think that in a generation we so desperately want to raise as open-minded and accepting, not only tolerant, that the main character would be gay?
18) Children will have this as their first gay character.
19) This will be the basis of how children view gay or lesbian individuals.
20) Disney could get away with any kind of gay character in a positive light and yet they chose this. Thanks.