It's been a long year away at school, and a long time away from the friends you've known forever. Sure, you've had a break here and there, but I mean, come on, this is summer we're talking about. The break with no responsibilities. As your spring semester finals roll around, your home group chat starts fluttering with "when are you guys coming home?" and, "I can't wait to smush your faces" messages. You start to get excited to see them, and realize that you've actually missed them more than you thought. Here's why you're excited to see your home friends:
1. The big reunion hug.
Yeah, you know the one. You all come together in a loving embrace as if you haven't seen each other in five years. Well, lets face it, you basically HAVEN'T.
2. The overwhelming wave of compliments when you first see each other.
"You are SO hot!" "Omg could you be tanner?".
3. The Talk Session: Where you sit around and exchange funny stories about your less than memorable nights...
"I literally like, could not even tell you what happened that night."
4. And about boys...
But let's be real, you've already stalked your friends love interests on every form of social media.
5. And about all the biggest gossip at your school.
Obviously it's crucial that they know all of this.
6. The first time you're getting ready to go out together in SO LONG.
Because you know they'll actually tell you if you look cute or not.
7. The first high school friends party of the summer.
Still fun, just in a different way from parties in college.
8. The first time you realize that yes, you're actually home, and no, you don't know how you've survived so long without seeing each other.
How did we do nine months of this?!
9. The first "morning after" of the summer.
Tequila is not, and will never be, your friend.
10. Looking back on the first night out of the summer and suddenly remembering why you kept in touch with each other.
They're the only ones who really matter.
11. The first time you realize that although this break is long, you need to make up for all of the time you've lost.
A beach trip, sleepover, coffee date, and lunch all in the same three days? Yes please.
12. The first beach trip together.
There's nothing quite like being at the beach with your girls.
13. Your first time eating real food together.
Seriously, how did we survive on dining hall food and drive-thrus for a year?
14. The times you start looking back on all the funny memories of your high school years.
How were we ever so stupid?
15. Talking about everything you've heard about the people you used to know.
She dropped out. He transferred. They broke up.
16. The random deep conversations when you wonder when you got old.
We were in high school, like, 10 seconds ago....
17. The random deep conversations about your future.
You know they'll still be there.
18. The times you blurt out a word or phrase that you use at school and no one knows what you're talking about.
Oh, sorry, it's just something we say at school.
19. The wine nights with the girls that always end emotionally.
"I just really, really love you guys!!!!!".
20. The first meeting of your home friends and your college friends.
The fun times are just about to begin, so get excited for the best summer of your life!