"I hate myself" is a sentence I hear either from myself or friends on the daily. Usually multiple times a day.
Why, you ask? Here are 20 reasons why college "hate themselves":
1. Finals
Why do I need to take tests throughout the semester and then take a big test over all the smaller tests at the end of the semester?
2. Teachers
Some of y'all are cool and some of y'all aren't.
3. Class
Mostly just the classes that you can't miss unless you want your grade to be affected.
4. 8 a.m. classes
Way too early.
5. 9 a.m. classes
Not as early, but still early.
6. Early classes in general
Classes shouldn't start until at least 10 AM.
7. Actually just class in general
There are just some (most) days we do not want to get out of bed
8. Just life
Because of every other reason listed.
9. Work
We go to class full time and have to work to afford anything extra that we want
10. Boys/girls
We may be more mature now that we’re in college but we still don’t know what we want.
11. School wifi
It’s. So. Slow.
12. Class, again
We want to stay in bed.
13. Homework, that we may or may not have
It's rarely ever for a grade so why give it to us?
14. Tests
We don't study and even if we do, we forget everything by the time we get the test.
15. We're out late every night.
Studying, or just chilling with friends.
16. We don't pay attention.
We have the attention span of a goldfish.
17. We're forgetful.
When we do pay attention, it usually goes in one ear and out the other.
18. We wear the same outfits multiple days in a row.
Leggings and a hoodie are our go-to outfits.
19. We don't do laundry as much as we should.
Hence why we wear the same outfit a lot of the time.
20. We do stupid things.
We're in college. We live and learn.