​ 20 Quotes To Remember In Your Twenties
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​ 20 Quotes To Remember In Your Twenties

If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.

​ 20 Quotes To Remember In Your Twenties

Growing up is no easy task. We've had to come to terms with that exam we failed, a relationship that crumbled or the bittersweetness of leaving home. I think that everyone can agree that there are highs and there are lows, but sometimes the lows tend to take longer to come to terms with.

I think what got me through my toughest days were the countless hours spent on the web, searching for the perfect quote to make me feel like I wasn't the only one who felt alone. Once I found one that I could relate to, I wrote it in my journal.

Some stuck in my head more than others, but I realized by looking up quotes I was adding quick and simple daily reminders of a priceless way of life. I quickly got into the habit of this, in my teenage years and have found the beauty in combing words together. While recently turning twenty I have picked 20 quotes that every young adult should try to look back and remember during the next decade. I hope these words inspire you, as much as they inspire me.

1. "They laugh at me because I'm different; I laugh at them because they're all the same." -Kurt Cobain

Since there are about 7.4 billion people in this world, there is a very high chance that you may encounter individual that for some reason believe's you are different. Don't give them a time of day. Smile your way through hostile attitude. As you depart ways, give yourself a pat on the back for being yourself because their judgments speak a lot more about their character than yours.

2. "I still got a place for you in my heart, just not my life." -Unknown

One of the hardest things in my life has been accepting change. I always knew that it happened in life, but never realized the emotions that come with it. Maybe you are struggling with a loss of a friend due to long distance, a family divorce or an unhealthy breakup. Whatever it may be, something that has helped me is reflecting on the memories made but walking away checking off the lessons learned that were meant to be in your life anyway.

3. "For every minute you are angry you lose 60 seconds of happiness" -Ralph Waldo Emerson

4. Some days are just hard.

It's as simple as that. Not every day is going to rainbows and sunshine. This past week I have had to repeat this saying to myself multiple times. Instead, of feeling pity, I am One day at a time is sometimes the best way to live.

5. "Better to be the one who smiled, than the one who didn't smile back" -Unknown

My senior year, a couple of my friends asked me why I smile so much. I laughed at them and told them that it is the simplest act of kindness that you can do to your surrounding peers. So why not? You never know what the stranger next to you is going through in their life. One little grin is the easiest way to show someone you care and may make others find a reason to smile at their tears.

6. "Why worry? If you've done the very best you can, worrying won't make it any better" -Walt Disney

7. "Confidence is not "They will like me" Confidence is "It'll be fine if they don't" -Steve Cook

This is my favorite quote to repeat to myself before a job interview. I have realized every older adult I meet was once in my shoes. Interviews aren't scary. They are just having a friendly conversation with someone that shares the same passion that you have. You never know maybe wrong choices may just be the door to great places. Take the risk and be yourself.

8. "She was a girl who knew how to be happy even when she was sad and that's important." -Marilyn Monroe

One of the wisest quotes I have came across this year. In the past, I have searched for happiness many times. I couldn't find it in high school hallways, behind closed doors, or on the internet. Little did I know that it was not hiding in one certain place. It always appears throughout the countless moments spent laughing with family, friends and sisters. Even when I may have sad thoughts the memories and moments of joy in my life are a heavy weight that I don't mind carrying in my heart.

9. "Life is waking up an hour early, to life an hour more." -Tanya Crillo

You can ask any of my Delta Gamma sisters, or family members that many of my morning's are spent with my eyes closed. Even though I enjoy my sleep I have found as I am getting older that the hours of a day go by fast. A reminder of waking up early to live an hour more could maybe be one of the best hours of your life.

10."You will never influence the world by trying to be like it" -Sean McCabe

11. "If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way." -Napoleon Hill

12. "Don't call it a dream, call it a plan" -Unknown

Too often I have a dream for my life that seems to good to be true. I often have to remind myself that some of greatest achievements in our world were started with a pen that wrote on paper and designed a plan.

13. “No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind.” -Taylor Swift

14. "I'd rather look back at my life and say "I can't believe I did that" instead of saying " I wish I did that" -Richard Branson

15. "Take time to do what makes your soul happy." -Unknown

16. "You'll just crashing if you never take your eyes off of the rearview mirror." -Leo Christopher

I think we're all guilty in letting past experiences affect the outcome of our future. I think this quote is a perfect metaphor for what happens when we don't look forward and reminds that crashing is easier to prevent than we think.

17. "You've only got three choices in life. Give up, give in, or give it all you got." -Kim Garst

18."I often wonder if more girls were willing to be ladies, more guys would feel challenged to be gentlemen." -Unkown

As much as I love blaming the male population, sometimes they're not always the ones in the wrong. Keep it classy ladies. Never forget that sometimes men need a reminder on how they should act. Lead by example so maybe they will feel challenged to hold the same characteristics that they observe.

19. "If "Plan A" didn't work. The alphabet has 25 more letters! Stay Cool." -Unknown

20. "We come to love no by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly." -Sam Keen

For all the crazy romantics out there: I think this quote is a great reminder that even prince charming may have a flaw or two. Don't go out looking for a man that will agree with everything you say, rather find a man that will love you no matter the differences that might come between.

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