1. "Leave everything better than you found it."
A friendly reminder that we have the power to improve within us.
2. "Spread kindness like confetti."
Always share whatever precious love you've got.
3. "Life's a garden, dig it."
Sometimes you just have to vibe with whatever comes along.
4. "The world is not out to get you."
Remember that the world is vast and wide and full of opportunities.
5. "A happy soul is the best shield for a cruel world."
Once you reach a certain state of happy, no one can dim your shine.
7. "Easy peesy lemon squeezy."
Treat even the daunting tasks as easy. Humans are known to do pretty incredible things!
8. "Only set the bar low for limbo."
Challenge yourself! You can only improve once you do!
9. "Be passionately curious."
Feed human nature and ask questions! Understand more!
10. "To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow."
Don't forget that tomorrow is always in the horizon to give you more time to build whatever you decide to!
11. "Be a fruit loop in a world full of cheerios."
Be different. It makes things more interesting.
12. "Count your rainbows, not your thunderstorms."
Try and focus on the good, because then bad isn't what's going to matter in a couple of years.
13. "Better late than ugly."
Not gonna lie, this is just here because it makes me feel better about talking 12 years to get my makeup done. Take as much time as ya need to get fresh folks!
14. "Life's short, talk fast."
This one is for the motormouths! Quick wit it seldom appreciated. I should know!
15. "Why be moody when you can shake your booty."
Sometimes you just gotta get out of a funk by getting funky. Ain't no shame in that.
16. "Better an oops than a what if."
Mistakes are human! Stop worrying about what could happen and actually see for yourself what will!
17. "Though she be but little, she is fierce.
For all my tiny balls of rage out there, don't hesitate to show people your fire.
18. "Put on your positive pants."
Don't be a Debbie Downer. Look at all the good there is in the world!
19. "Wherever you are, be all there.
Put everything you've got into what you do. It's more fulfilling I promise.
20. "Every moment matters."
Don't miss out on any of them.