How well do you really know someone? Questions on the daily are mostly just "How are you?" or "What's up?" "Not Much, You?". Let's break the ice between knowing someone and connecting with someone. Let's create more than a one dimensional relationship. Instead of just getting to know someone, understand them. Ask some questions that aren't just skin deep. Ask them the things they want to talk about. Choose to have a real conversation.
1. Are you scared to fall in love?
2. All is fair in love and war, true or false?
3. What is the biggest regret you hold?
4. Who do you cherish and why?
5. What is your lifetime dream?
6. Are you following your dreams or just a paved path?
7. What is something that has defined you as a person?
8. What has hurt you the most?
9. What is your happiest memory?
10. What inspires you?
11. If you could have a conversation with anyone alive or late who would it be and why?
12. What city would you move to right now if you could?
13. What brings you true peace?
14. What is your biggest insecurity?
15. What is your favorite quality about yourself?
16. What culture would you want to be apart of and why?
17. You have a flight and you are in the airport. Where are you going?
18. Who are you with?
19. What keeps you up at night?
20. What was your first idea of love?