Finals are just around the corner for me and I'm currently still in denial about one of the essays I have to write, in addition the the other written exams I have to study for, and it's gotten me thinking--how do people who are actually good students manage all of this? So instead of writing my essay outline or making more flashcards, I've compiled a list of questions I have for these exceptional academics.
1. Do you lie about not having assignments done so your friends don't feel bad? (Because I probably wouldn't, tbh.)
2. How do you find the motivation to do your homework before the last minute? Seriously. I can usually only get something done with the deadline as my motivation.
3. What does it feel like to not be stressed out the night before a big project/essay because you'd already finished it three days ago?
4. How do you keep from watching YouTube videos about things that don't pertain to your life instead of being productive? Ex: Yesterday I watched videos about how to put dreads in my hair, even though I have no intention of getting dreads.
5. Did you have to train your brain to not procrastinate or were you born this way?
6. How does it feel to get a full night's sleep multiple times per week?
7. Do you have nightmares about your printer jamming while you're trying to print an extremely important paper?
8. Is it nice knowing that you have those '2 excused absences' for each class saved up? (I wouldn't know because I have, on more than one occasion, been so late for a class that I just said 'screw it' and used an absence.)
9. Be honest--do you judge the rest of us for our lack of academic vigor?
10. Have you considered having people pay you to write essays or finish their homework for them?
11. ....Honestly, have you? Because I feel like if you haven't given it much thought, you really should.
12. Do you sometimes pick really fun, relaxing activities the night before an exam--that you've already studied for--just so you can taunt your friends?
13. Do all your friends basically hate you on principle the day before exams, just because they're jealous of your ability to be a functional student?
14. Have you ever let yourself wait until the last minute to do your work, just to see what it feels like?
15. How do you keep from doing the fun things first?
16. Can you teach me your ways?
17. Actually, could you hold a seminar or something? Because I feel like you could help a lot of people.
18. If you try to give advice on school, do people immediately assume you're being condescending?
19. How does it feel to look at an exam and know everything on the first page?
20. Tell the truth--if a professor gives you the option for a cheat sheet during an exam, you don't even use it, do you?
And now if you'll excuse me, I have more things to think about doing but not actually do right away because of who I am as a person.