I'm finally 20-years-old and I can honestly say that I'm a little freaked out. Although I feel significantly older, I know how much maturing and growing I still have to do. The next ten years are going to bring a lot of lessons, a lot of change, and a lot of difficulties. No matter what my 20's decide to throw at me, I promise...
2.To not be so hard on myself
Because I am not perfect, and I will make mistakes
3. To never compromise my happiness for someone else
I can support others without sacrificing my own happiness
4. To not give up on myself
Even when it seems like there's no other option
5. To stop punishing myself for my mistakes
Because that won't fix them
8. To prioritize the things that make me happy
I need and deserve a way to escape stress.
10. To withhold judgment
Of others, and of myself
12. To experience new things
And to seek them out often
15. To demand respect
From everyone, because I don't deserve to be walked over
16. To stand by my beliefs and my values
If I am not true to my beliefs, then they cease to be meaningful
18. To pursue greatness
Why should I expect anything less from myself?
20. To find my own identity
I will define myself, not let myself be defined by anyone or anything else
Yes, growing up can be hard, but I will never let that stop me from growing, learning, and taking care of myself.