As I've ventured into my 20s, I find "going out" very unappealing and my computer screen very appealing. Scientists confirm that watching a movie allows the human mind to become as still, as when sleeping. So, yes, television can be productive, in moderation. And while executing this, keep these 20 movies in mind, and remember, there is something valuable for you and your sultry 20s, within each of them:
1. "The Seven Year Itch"
Watch as Marilyn Monroe embodies a woman of pure desire and allow yourself to wear the damn red lipstick.
2. "The Notebook"
While cliché, endulge in a love story of perfect dissonance, allowing yourself to believe in never letting go, a concept not aroused in modern day culture.
3. "Heathers"
Yes, our teens brought "Mean Girls," but our 20s bring the 1980s gem "The Heathers," embodying violence, sex, and lies, allowing for one crazy Friday night, with you and a glass of Merlot.
4. Raising "Helen"
Kate Hudson characterizes Helen, a Manhattan fashionista, who gains custody of three children, unexpectedly. In our 20s, we battle with family and career, battle no more--check out this flick!
5. "Remember Me"
9/11 was the anthem of our elementary days; but watch this film and discover how this scraped the lives of young professionals in 2001.
6. "The Choice"
This recently released film will become an instant classic. Our 30s are just, ahead, and this film challenges you to always be engaged in your decisions and their consequences.
7. "What Women Want"
Mel Gibson rocks a leather jacket, as he possess the phenomena of infiltrating into the minds of women, a great reminder of how much we... Well, think.
8. "Chicago"
It is never a bad night to dream about belting "All That Jazz", while drinking a Vodka tonic, and murdering your cheating husband.
9. "My Big, Fat, Greek Wedding"
This flick is an excellent reminder that love is not always found with ease; yet, even through the turbulence, your culture will never fail to support and betray you, simaltaneously.
10 "Gone With The Wind"
Because, you are never at an inopportune age to watch this classic.
11. "Cinderella"
Sure, if you are 20-29, you have seen this classic Disney film way too many times; however, one more time will not hurt. Kick back with a cocktail and allow your mind to morph into your pre-school years.
12. "The Family Stone"
As time seems to tick more quickly, with age, your 20s will begin to hit you with a realization: people die. This Christmas film is an excellent representation of the heartbreak and beauty that is death.
13. "The Devil Wears Prada"
How far are you willing to sell your soul to the occupational devil? Watch as Anne Hathaway characterizes a young Manhattan professional and makes her decision.
14. "No Strings Attached"
Is it possible? Who knows! Watch and see...
15. "Love Actually"
In contrast, this all-star cast, British film challenges its audience (you all, in your 20s!) to evaluate the different stages of life and the love that is encompassed within each of the aforementioned stages.
16. "16 Candles"
High school is always playful to revisit! Revisit it, with this classic.
17. "The Women"
Based on a nearly 100-year-old play, Meg Ryan, along with an all-female cast, ask an audience to evaluate the challenges of the lives of women, while men embody a presence of their own, without even presenting one male character, within the film.
18. 'The Wedding Date"
A film filled with wholly compelling, classic music, find yourself lost in a love story, that is just, too sweet! Sometimes, falling in love with a man helps you fall in love with yourself.
19. "The Parent Trap"
I don't know about you, but this flick remind me of being 2-years-old and in love with this classic story, that I still, fawn over today.
20. "Pillow Talk"
What movie list is complete, without a Doris Day film? Clearly, not this one!
Enjoy 20 and enjoy 29... AND... Enjoy everything in between. It's okay to grab that glass of Merlot and pop in a DVD, alone, on a Saturday night.