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20 Movies To Watch On Netflix When You're Procrastinating And Just Want To Make It Worse

Because no one has time for real life responsibilities.

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Procrastination seems to be the root of almost all our problems during college. Ideally, we want to have a well-balanced school, work, and social life when we first come back to school in August. We tell ourselves that "This year I will do my work on time and be the best student I can be," but as soon as school kicks into full gear, we find ourselves wanting to lay in bed and not be bothered by any task other than binge-watching the latest tv series or movie.

I'm here to tell you, as a fellow procrastinating college student, that it's OK to take some time for yourself. Lay in bed all Saturday and Sunday watching your favorite show or binge as many movies as you want. Sometimes we need the break from reality to get back into a focused mindset. Just remember to watch with your agenda in mind so you don't fall into the black hole of Netflix.

Here are 20 Netflix movies to add to your list to help you procrastinate a little bit longer.

Caution: Watch at your own risk

1. "To All The Boys I've Loved Before"

Two words: Noah Centineo, AKA Peter Kaminsky. This movie was very sweet and grabs it's viewers hearts as soon as it starts.

2. "The Spectacular Now"

A love story between two teenagers figuring out life and high school.

3. "When We First Met" 

Ever spend time with someone for a day and automatically want them to be in your life forever? This movie has that similar style with great humor and cast.

4. "Before We Go"

Chris Evans is everything in this movie. Go on a nightly journey with two strangers trying to find their way in life and maybe even love.

5. "Ibiza"

Take a trip with a girl and her best friends as they travel to Ibiza to find an incredible hot DJ.

6. "How It Ends" 

When a mysterious apocalyptic event turns everything upside down, a man desperately tries to make it home to his fiancée.

7. "Bad Boys"

If you're in the mood for a throwback to an early 2000s action movie, "Bad Boys" is the one to watch. Plus duo Michael Lawrence and Will Smith are incredible.

8. "Pirates of the Caribbean" 

If you're trying to spend a scary amount of time procrastinating, the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series is the perfect series to watch. Also, Orlando Bloom is really nice to look at throughout.

9. "Lord of the Rings" 

Another series that will take you a disgusting amount of time to get through but these movies are a classic to binge watch with friends on a last Sunday afternoon.

10. "Armageddon" 

Space movies are always for interesting to watch and this is definitely in the top five space movies to watch.

11. "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days" 

I didn't see this movie until my sophomore year of college and the only thing I regret is not watching it sooner. Kate Hudson is gorgeous in this movie and Matthew McConaughey is irresistible, despite some of the "flaws" he has in the movie.

12. "I Love You, Man" 

Does anyone else have a huge crush on Paul Rudd like me? Because his dorky, weird humor gets me in every movie he's in.

13. "Adventureland" 

Experience what a summer job is like at a carnival through the life of James Brenna, played by Jesse Eisenberg.

14. "Happy Gilmore" 

One of Adam Sandlers best movies ever made. If you haven't seen this movie, please go watch it.

15. "High School Musical " 

If you're looking for a throwback to your childhood, High School Musical 1, 2 & 3 are the best movies to watch!

16. "Coco"

This is the sweetest movies I have seen all 2018. A movie about love and family that is so sentimental you'll cry

17. "The Princess Diaries"

Mia basically lives out every little girls dream by becoming a princess. I'm still waiting for my long lost relative to hit me up!

18. "Tarzan"

Another childhood throwback to make you feel nostalgic. You can watch the original or get your hands on a copy of the most recent version.

19. "Mulan"

A feminist dream movie: proving to all the boys that women are just as good (and even better) than men. Plus the soundtrack at perfection.

20. "The Little Rascals" 

A movie that takes you back to the good ole days.

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