At some level or another people have a desire for things to be neat and organized. Most any person will cringe at the sight of ten pencils lined up with only one of them slightly askew (the thought of it makes me cringe). Sometimes the world can be a horrible place for those who demand absolute organization. But sometimes it can be really great. The following are 20 images that would satisfy any neat freak.
1. The perfect pancake.
Everyone always strives to produce the perfect pancake - perfectly circular and golden brown - and here it finally is.
2. These perfectly fitting colored pencils.
Oh, they just fit together so nicely and the colors are so vivid. I'll never be able to store my colored pencils any other way now.
3. The perfect glass for Coke.
One usually faces the challenge of having a glass either too small or too big for their soda, but now there's a glass that is perfect for a can of Coke!
4. This perfectly sized pasta wheel.
The pasta wheel fits the spoon so well and the spoon is a perfect match for the pasta wheel.
5. This perfect stack of pancakes.
I know I already showed pancakes, but honestly it is so hard to cook the perfect pancake that I am just amazed someone else was able to do it threefold.
6. This cruise ship, which is the perfect size.
This picture partially makes me anxious, but is also really nice because it's as if the canal and cruise ship were built for each other.
7. This perfectly organized bowl of alphabet soup.
This is exactly the kind of thing I like to do with my alphabet Chef Boyardee, although more of the time I'm spelling out inappropriate words, but maybe that's just me.
8. These perfectly stacked shirts
I strive to be at the same level of artistic mastery that the worker who did this is at.
9. The stripes that perfectly match up on this tie.
The lines match up so perfectly. If I were looking for a potential employee this person would absolutely be my pick.
10. These sliced watermelons that form the perfect square.
Who knew you could make something so wonderful with fruit?
11. This perfect shadow.
Oh, it just lines up so nicely, as long as it doesn't become any other time of day.
12. This mattress that fits perfectly into the closet doorway.
Well at least you know you'll be safe during the zombie apocalypse.
13. This perfectly folded snow.
I didn't even know snow could do that, but gosh I am so happy it can.
14. This gum that lines up perfectly.
I can't buy any or it will ruin it. Leaving it is worth the lack of minty freshness.
15. This perfectly aimed stream of water.
Bless the installation crew that perfectly aligned the pieces of the sink so that this could occur.
16. This perfectly used tube of toothpaste.
This picture is appealing for people that both enjoy organization and hate waste. No toothpaste shall be disposed of!
17. These perfectly camouflaged shoes.
What shoes?
18. The perfect car slot.
If you have a Snickers and you have this car, then you will know exactly where to put your Snickers.
19. The perfect topping to a cheesecake
I have never been a fan of cheesecake, which is good, so that I don't have to ruin this work of art.
And finally...
20. This robotic arm for holding beer perfectly.
I don't like beer. I'm allergic to beer. But gosh darn you know I will buy this and groove. It's too perfect to resist!